Bright And Early

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As the sun was just rising in the sky, Nyx awoke with a groan; laying against the cold, hard dirt ground. Limbs stiff and back aching, Nyx wrinkled her nose in confusion and turned her head to see a canopy of green; twisting vines and broad leaves acting as a shield from the elements.

Pushing herself slowly up on her elbows, she turned over onto her knees- and started in surprise as she saw the memorial stone in front of her, mere feet away from where her head had been. Of course she'd wound up here- although she didn't know how that had happened. She remembered being shut outside, but couldn't recall when she'd chosen here to finally settle down and sleep for the night. She must have been so exhausted.

The cool morning air raising goosebumps on her skin, she turned away from the stone to sit on the ground once more; to see a large, red rose peering at her under the bush. Crawling towards the jewel-like flower, Nyx examined its beauty curiously; reaching out to lightly touch the soft petals. Quickly, she realised one of them was missing; leaving a gaping space in the centre of the otherwise perfect bloom. The fragrance was gorgeously mouth-watering; the rich, soothing scent clinging to her fingers as she drew them away.
As she looked at the rose, her sleep-addled mind couldn't help but wonder if it was examining at her too. If so, what did it see?

She laughed at her own delirium, scrubbing sleep and grime from her eyes and face with the back of her hand to try and wake herself up.

"So what is it with you and rosebushes?"

At the sound of his voice, Nyx flopped back against the dirt, covering her face with her hands and let out a strangled sound somewhere between an exasperated groan and a frustrated scream. 'Typical. Just bloody typical!'

The vines peeled back to reveal Jayson, crouching down to peer at her curiously, a bemused expression on his face. "Look, it's little Snow White asleep under the thorns!"

Nyx scowled, pulling her hands down from her face. "What are you doing here?"

"... No, I'm pretty sure that's my line." Jayson chuckled.

Nyx huffed. "... I'll let you know when I figure it out." She said finally, deciding it was the simplest and most tactful answer. "Can you give me a hand up?"

He took the hand she held out, pulling her up onto her feet. Quickly, Nyx dusted herself down, picking twigs and leaves out of her hair, streaks of dirt smeared all over her body. Early morning dew dampened the earth under her bare feet; the droplets covering the garden in a shimmering crystalline layer that glinted in the early morning sun. Closing her eyes, she inhaled the sweet morning air; the fragrances of damp earth and awakening plant life filling her lungs.

"I don't know what you were doing," Jayson commented. "but if you are going to start camping outside on the dirt ground, maybe consider investing in some pyjamas that aren't a white nightdress?"

"Oh, for...!" Nyx grumbled, looking down at the stains covering her nightclothes and stomping her foot in irritation. "I didn't do it on purpose, somebody locked me out!"

"Okay, okay." Jayson soothed, trying to calm this simmering bundle of fury. Shrugging off his jacket, he offered it to her to keep herself warm. "Come on. You need a shower, a change of clothes and some breakfast."

Nyx sighed, pulling the jacket over her shoulders and massaging her forehead with her fingers. "God, I need coffee."

"Do you sleepwalk?" Jayson asked as they headed back inside.

Nyx shot him a questioning look.

"Just a theory." He shrugged.

"If I was sleepwalking," Nyx asked slyly. "How would you expect me to know?"

"Well, it would explain you waking up in strange places." Jayson grinned. "Unless you're teleporting or something."

"Yes, Jayson." Nyx said in a sarcastic deadpan. "I'm sleep-teleporting."

"Well, you never know! I once knew a guy who-"

"I'm gonna stop you right there." Nyx said, holding up a hand. "Coffee first, then story."

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