Sugar Is Sweet

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"I think Doctor Johnson is scared of us." Ronnie said definitely as they headed back down the halls from the offices to the common areas; waving at Jayson on the stairs as he was heading up."It's the only plausible explanation; either that, or they've genuinely hired an idiot. Are you alright? You're very quiet."

"Huh? Oh, sorry." Nyx blinked, pulling herself out of her thoughts. "I just... I think I really like Doctor Hannan. Its weird; I don't usually get along well with psychiatrists."

"Nice, isn't she?" Ronnie smiled. "You can call her Jeanie, she doesn't mind; I think she actually prefers it."

"I really like her. I mean it. I think she gets it, you know?"

"Totally." Ronnie agreed; then she chuckled. "Although I don't get how she's always so chipper about everything. One of those glass is always half full people; although some days I'd question what it's half full of." She sniggered, then shrugged. "It's not like we have many options though. Doctor Johnson is absolute shite. Montgomery is good but he doesn't really seem approachable. Makes sense though,as he often handles the more... difficult patients. You know- the proper bad nuts." She tapped the side of her head pointedly.

"Damn." Nyx said. "Hope they don't decide to stick me with him; I swear, I'm honestly not a violent maniac." She chuckled.

"Nah, you'll probably be alright." Ronnie reassured. "You've generally been quite good here; you've been weird, but you've been good."

"Are you calling me weird?" Nyx laughed, pretending to be offended.

"Comes with the territory, I'm afraid." Ronnie teased. "We're all emotionally unstable oddballs."

"Going outside for a cigarette break. Want to come?"


"If you don't like it, don't smoke it."

"But then I don't get breaks outside whenever I like." Ronnie grinned, holding the hardly-touched cigarette loosely between her fingers. "That, and I'm in hell."

"Fair enough." Nyx nodded, walking away a little from the smoke and taking the opportunity to peer around the secluded area. The smoking patio lead out into a grassy area; which glancing around the section of brick wall shielding them from sight seemed to be the far end of the garden.

"So when do we get out of 'hell'?" Nyx asked, turning back to Ronnie.

Ronnie shrugged with a smile. "Hey, if you want to take the initiative and break us out, I'm all ears."

"You'll regret that when I'm waking you up in the middle of the night to help me blow out the back wall." Nyx teased.

Ronnie scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Violent maniac."

"Mean." Nyx pouted. Wandering a way away, Nyx stepped onto the grass; walking over to admire the bushes of purple flowers bordering the wall.

"Hey, where are you going?" Ronnie called out.

"Just stretching my legs!" She replied. Up ahead, she could see the section of the building that if she turned the corner off, would lead to Montgomery's office window; could see the clinging rose vines beginning to creep around the edge, the crimson flowers that bedecked the enormous plant glowing enticingly like blood rubies in the midday sun. Nyx followed easily their siren call; curiosity piquing to overrule her better judgement.

Meandering down the garden, she made a point of admiring the array of beautiful plants surrounding her; admiring a hedge of purple flowers in particular, when suddenly she jumped in surprise upon seeing two figures making out fervently between the bushes. Katherine and Mia.

"Hey!" Katherine objected upon seeing Nyx.

"Sorry!" Nyx apologised quickly, moving to make herself scarce.

"Why are you fucking everywhere?" Mia snapped, getting up and advancing on Nyx aggressively.

"Mia, it's fine." Katherine sighed, pushing herself up onto her feet also; placing a comforting hand on the other girls arm.

"No, it's not fine." Mia scowled, wrenching her arm away. Tears bubbled up in her eyes and she clapped a hand to her face; stifling a sob as she turned and fled down the garden.

"Mia! Mia! Oh, for fuck's sake!" Katherine yelled, frustrated.

"I'm really sorry." Nyx said, feeling really guilty.

Katherine sighed. "No, it's fine. It's not your fault. She's just... really sensitive sometimes."

"Really, I didn't mean to upset her-"

"I said it's fine, so it's fine." Katherine said in a tone that told Nyx just to drop it. "She's just not in such a good place right now, okay? I'll go talk to her. Just... don't go spreading it about, yeah? It's nobody else's business."

Nyx nodded quickly. Katherine smiled. "Great." Then, she turned and jogged down the lawn after Mia.

A bit shaken and completely confused as to what had just happened, Nyx turned around and walked back towards the patio.

I think this book is slowly becoming my new pet project. I'm really excited to write this. Expect more updates soon! XD

Also, has anyone noticed what's happening with the titles of the last three chapters? I've got to say, I quite like the children's rhyme theme, and might be using it a few more times in this.
Expect something spooky to happen next chapter. XD

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