Chapter Fithteen

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Hermione's POV

The train ride back to Hogwarts was pretty boring. I had borrowed a Greek Mythology book from Annabeth which I had started reading on the way to the burrow, but I was almost finished with it now.

"Do you think anything happened while we were gone?" Ron asked me. I shrugged, without looking up from my book.

"Harry would have wrote if something had, Ron." I muttered.

He groaned. "Will you stop reading for one minute, 'Mionie!?!"

I looked up from my book and looked and Ron right in the eye. "No." I went back to reading while I heard him complain a bit more.

I heard a knock on the door at looked up to see Annabeth. She was wearing some sort of blue Christmas sweater that was just a little too big for her. It must of been a gift from Percy.

"Do you guys know how close we are?" she asked.

"About five to ten minutes." I answered looking back down to the book.

She let herself in and sat next to me.

"Does that answer a lot of questions?" she asked.

I nodded. "A lot better then the ones in the Library at Hogwarts."

Annabeth laughed. "I know."

I looked up at Annabeth. "Did you hear from Percy over break?" I asked.

Annabeth shook her head. "He must have been busy." She looked sad when I mentioned him.

"I'm sure he had a good reason." I reassured her. She smiled, appreciating the thought.

She stood up and walked out of the cart after saying goodbye.

"They still seem a bit weird, don't ya think?" Ron piped up.


"What? I'm just saying! After what happened to Nico and the Drakon attack. Don't even try to forget what happened at the beginning of the year! The hat was barley on Percy's head!

"That doesn't mean anything. Why are you so worked up about it it!"

"I... I don't know."

I sighed and continued ready my book.


Annabeth and me laughed as we walked out the train.

"Percy does the same thing!" she exclaimed. Our boyfriends almost had as much in common as we did.

"Are you laughing 'bout me?" he asked as he followed with his suitcase. I shook my head as I tried to hid my laughter.

As soon as we got onto the platform, Nico ran up to Annabeth and whispered something in her ear.

"What?!" she whisper yelled at him. Nico just nodded.

Annabeth turned to me and said, "I have to go. See you later." and then ran off.

I was slightly puzzled, but Ron broke my train of thought as he yelled, "Harry!" I turned in the direction to where Ron had yelled and saw Harry. He was hugging Ginny. I nearly smacked Ron for interrupting their relationship.

Harry said a quick goodbye to Ginny and speed walked over to us.

"How was Christmas without me?" he asked, giant grin on his face.

I smacked his arm. "Harry Potter you are so immature." I scolded. He just laughed.

Ron was even smiling. "It was pretty peaceful if that is what you mean." he said, but then he looked down, "It wasn't as crowded this year, though."

Our smile's faded. It was true though. I hadn't tried to think about it when I was there, but it was obvious that the thought had crossed Ron's mind.

Harry looked around before saying, "Guys, there is something I have to tell you."

Ron and me exchanged worried looks.

"Sure Harry, But what-"

I was cut off by an angry Annabeth yelling, "Harry Potter!" from faraway.

Harry turned in the direction of the yelling, then back at us.

"I'll be right back..." he muttered. He looked back at Annabeth and then added, "Or maybe I'll just meet you in the Gryfindor common room." With that he ran off. I wonder what had happened when we were gone.

"Well, I guess I wouldn't want to keep Annabeth waiting either." Ron piped up.

I laughed, but he did have a point. I heard about what had happened after Percy had "disappeared". I didn't ask any questions about it to Annabeth, but it was still pretty weird.

I took Ron's hand and we walked back up to the common room.


Transfiguration the next day was a little strange. Percy wasn't there, which got Annabeth a little bit temper mental. Leo seemed a little love sick. I didn't want to know why. Harry was also acting up. He didn't tell us what he wanted to earlier which made me only wonder if Annabeth had told him not to. But how did she know what he was going to tell us? Like I said, it was pretty weird.

We were taking a mini quiz when the door creaked open. I looked behind me to see Percy opening it. He had a bandage on his forehead, but his hair covered it up. Other then that he looked pretty good.

"Finally you're here, Mr. Jackson." Professor McGonagall stated.

Percy blushed. "I was in the infirmary ma'am."

She sighed. "Very well then. There is an open seat next to Ms. Granger. We are taking a little pop quiz."

Percy walked up to the front of the room, smiling at Annabeth as he passed her. She shook her head sarcastically at him, rolling her eyes. He took a quiz off of the table and walked over to my desk.

I quickly looked down and answered the last question. Why was Percy in the infirmary anyway? That was a little odd. I decided it was best not to think about it.

Before I knew the class was over and I was caught in the crowd of people trying their best to be the first to leave. I walked over to Harry and Ron, who looked like they were just interrogated.

"My guess is you two didn't do very well." I said.

They both shook there head. I laughed, It isn't my fault that they didn't study over break.

We were almost out the door when Harry looked behind him and went over to talk to Percy.

"Harry!" Ron yelled, but he didn't listen.

Ron turned to me. "Is there something that we missed?" he asked.

I shrugged. "Maybe he just wanted to check up on him." I suggested. But I couldn't really believe that was the reason.

Something had happened when we were gone, and I was determined to find out.

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