Chapter Eleven

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Hermionie's POV
I was impressed, and it is very hard to impress me. After what I saw, my opinion on the wizards from America changed. The battle between Harry and Percy was one of the most interesting battles I have had to watch. Not only did they show great sportsmanship but they also were able to battle underwater. No way was I going to help Harry with his DADA homework anymore.
One thing that did strike me as odd was the way Percy acted as it was no big deal. That completely changes my thoughts about them. I just wish that Annabeth would be proud of what Percy did. All she did was stand there and shake her head like she couldn't believe that Percy had the nerve to even do what he had done.
Ron seemed to be even more confused once both Percy and Harry got slapped as the got back to the surface. Not that I blame Ginny and Annabeth for actually doing something about their stupid boyfriends. Maybe I could try that technique with Ron once or twice.
"What was that for!", Harry yelled at Ginny once he got back to the group. "I called a truce!"
"You scared me! You were under water for so long I thought that you could of died!" she yelled back. I had to admire her courage, yelling at her boyfriend. I smiled thinking how nice it was that the old group was back.
"Well that was one weird conversation." Ron muttered, turning back around.
Confused I asked, "What conversation?". Before he could answer, Mr. Brunner yelled at the stunned students, trying to understand what the heck even happened.
"Attention students!", he yelled, "I know that things may have been different from what I expected, but there will still be more of a review like test." After he said that, Annabeth and I exchanged excited glances. This was going to be our thing.
"I wasn't finished." Mr. Brunner said, "It will be a surprise and even I don't know when it will happen. To whoever is able to complete it successfully will receive 10 points to their house. Class dismissed." Now that was a way to get your students excited.
I walked over to Annabeth, who seemed a bit more content then usual.
"Something wrong?" I asked, worried about my new friend. She smiled back, "No.... but I've been thing about this test thing. Maybe someone else should be able to do it, you know?"
I understood why, I can see where she was coming from. "Don't you want to know what the challenge is?"
"You have no idea how much I want to know. I just feel like it is something I should stay away from it."
I sighed, "I was just thinking it would be a great start to the year."
"Totally." The rest of the walk of the walk to our next class was pretty quiet.
I started to look around. Noticing every little thing that has changed since I was last there. I just started making be think about everything that had happened, I hadn't thought about stuff like that in a while. I was nice remembering the past. But of coarse, my moment of peace and quiet was ruined by a dragon. Well, it wasn't necessary the dragon.
"Duck!' Annabeth yelled and pulled me out of the way. I looked up just in time in see the thing fly off.
Still in shock I asked, "What was that thing? Not any kind of dragon I've ever seen."
"It's a drakon, and trust me, it's a lot worse than a dragon." she said before running to in direction it was headed. Just then Percy came out of the hallway
"Was that-"
"Yes." Annabeth interrupted. Percy shook his head and followed her. Feeling like I needed to do something, I followed them. I should have been ready for a fight.
Once we entered the courtyard, I thought we were too late. The Drakon was already terrorizing the students and no one was fighting back. I turned to Annabeth to ask what we were going to do, but she was already headed to it with Percy.
"What are they doing?" I muttered to myself.
Harry then came running up to me, "What on earth happened?' he asked.
"A drakon attack." I answered, yelling because of all the commotion that was going on. I turned back to the drakon, watching to see what Percy and Annabeth would do. What I saw was incredible. Somehow, Percy got a sword and started to distract the thing while Annabeth, seemed to have disappeared. I was worried at first, hoping that nothing bad had happened when I wasn't looking.
"Annabeth.... anytime now." I heard Percy say through gritted teeth. Then everything happened so fast, it was nearly impossible to make out exactly what happened.
I saw something fall off Annabeth's head, which might of made her invisible, and stab the drakon where it's weak point must of have. Afterwards, it turned into dust.
My mouth was wide open. That kind of practice with a sword and monsters like these must have taken years, and not once did I hear any of them say a single spell. Not a word! That is something I wish I could do.
Right before I thought it could get any weirder, Leo and Nico came running out of the hallway.
"Did we miss something?" Leo asked, before realizing that the fight was over. "I told you we shouldn't have waited!" he yelled at Nico.
"Not my fault someone was being slow!" Nico yelled back.
Annabeth, walking back over to the group with Percy rolled her eyes and ignored the two.
"That was incredible!" Harry exclaimed, "How did you-"
"Lots of practice." Percy interrupted, but before any of us could congratulate them, Mr. Brunner rode up to us, smiling.
"Congratulations Mr. Jackson, Ms. Chase. Twenty points to Gryffindor." Percy's eyes widen.
"You mean that was the test?" Annabeth asked, sounding somewhat angry. He nodded and rode away.
"I can't believe him." Annabeth muttered to herself shaking her head.
"I know right." Percy said smiling. He kissed her on the cheek and left for his next class.
Then I realized something I should have noticed sooner, "Where's Ron?"
"I think he forgot something in the common room." Harry answered, "Do you want me to go and get him?"
I smiled, "No. I'll get him." He would not believe what had just happen.
Hey guys, it's me again.
If you have read Blood of Olympus then you know that there will be some slight changes to the story. Nothing major, but I wanted to let you guys know. If you haven't read Blood of Olympus then I'm not going to say any spoilers.
Hope, you enjoyed! ~: ) (Harry Potter smiley face if you didn't know)

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