Chapter Four

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I was sure that mentioning Jason would get me out of the quest for sure. I mean it's Jason Grace for crying out loud. Son of Jupiter, one of the members of the Argo II, and he was predator of New Rome!

I understand that Percy didn't want to bring him for safety reasons, but I guess he could bring Jason instead of Nico. Why did he even want to bring Nico? I guess I will never understand that son of Poseidon.

I stared down at my work table. I must have tried ten times to get the tracker to work, but it would break once I tried to put the crystal in. Looks like the curse of cabin nine finally caught up with me. But why now? Why when I was trying to find Calypso?

I had promised on the river Styx and I didn't want to break that promise.

I sighed, and tried to pull myself together. Maybe these wizards would have some magic to help me find her. Boy would that be useful.

I was running, lugging two giant suitcases behind me, as I tried to get to the beach nearly on time. Once I hit the sand I feel face first into the surf. I looked up to see Annabeth glaring down at me.

"You're late." she gridded through her teeth.

"I know, I know. Had to pack a few last minute stuff. Please don't kill me."

She smiled, which was never a good sign. "You're just lucky that Nico hasn't gotten here yet." She said as she turned her attention back to Percy.

I quickly stood up and brushed the sand off of me shirt and pants. Then a thought accrued to me. "How are we supposed to blend in if we don't have magic?" I asked.

The look on Percy's face meant that he had forgotten about it. "uhhhhhhh..."

"Don't worry. I talked to. Chiron about it. He just said we need to eat these before we go." Annabeth said while passing a small pill like tablet to me and Percy. I looked it over in my hand. It didn't look like much, but I knew the power that was behind it.

"Well are we going or what?" I heard Nico ask behind me. I nearly jumped out of my skin. It seems he is everywhere, just popping out of nowhere just to scare me.

"We were going to wait for you, but I guess we could head off now." Annabeth said. She looked over at Percy, waiting for him to do something.

"Oh right." Percy said. He did a New York taxi whistle that I had heard only a few times before.

I looked up to the sky to see five pegasi flying down towards the beach. The first one to land was Percy's pegasus, Blackjack. He whined at Percy in a angry way.

"Umm, anyone got any doughnuts? He won't let us go until he has one." Percy asked. I didn't even want to know. I reached into my tool belt and pulled one out. I gave it to Percy who gave me a weird look at first, then turned around and gave it to Blackjack.

"Ok everyone, put you're luggage in the chariot and hop onto a pegasus." Percy told us before jumping on to his.

As soon as we and gotten settled, the pegasi flew off across the beach and onto London.

I looked back at camp and thought to myself, I will come back here with Calypso, no matter how long it takes. I turned back around and focused on the water ahead of me.

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