Chapter Three

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While I was outside, I realized that I should have waited for Harry. I mean, it wasn't his fault he had a late start this morning. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to start practice without him.

"Ron!" I heard Harry yell at me. "Why didn't you wait for me?"

"Umm, cause I wanted to get a head start?" I answered. Harry just rolled his eyes and said, "Fine. Let's get started."

We practiced for a while, realizing that we needed a lot of practice. Finally, after a few hours of making no progress, I finally beat Harry. I threw my hands in the air for my surprising victory.

All Harry did was glare at me in jealousy, and suddenly, I was pushed off my broom by a monster wave behind me. I landed on my butt and coughed up some lake water.

"What the bloody hell Harry!" I yelled at him. He just stared at me, in complete shock.

"How did you even do that? You didn't even say a spell!" I yelled at him.

"I don't know. How would have I done it?"

"Well do you think I would do this to myself?"

"Of corse not!"

I thought about it for a minute, thinking about how this might be connected to the recent dreams he has been having. I shook my head, must have just been a coincidence.

"Oh never mind. Just help me get back inside, it's freezing out here!" I said. He laughed, got off of his broom, and helped me get up.

"What happened!?" Hermione yelled at us once we walked through the door.

"Oh this?" I said looking down at my wet clothes, "Me and Harry were just playing around." Once Hermione had run off to get a blanket, I looked at Harry, who was still helping me stand upright, and asked, "Do you want to tell Hermione what happened?"

He just shook his head. I'm guessing he would thought Hermione would freak out. As soon as she came back with a few blankets and towels she turned to Harry and said, "If you want you can get changed. We are heading out to Diagon Alley today. Oh and tell Ginny."

His smiled widened as he ran upstairs. Any excuse to she my sister I guess.

Hermione helped me sit down and rapped a towel around me before saying, "What really happened?" It still shocked me that always knew what was really going on. I took a deep breath and started to explain what has happened.

Once I was done, she just stared at me in shock. "No wonder Harry didn't want to say anything. Are you sure you didn't hear him cast a spell?" she asked.

I nodded, "Do you think he even needed to cast a spell to control the water?"

Hermione just laughed in my face, "Of corse he needed a spell! That kind of power is a really high level of expertise."

I thought about it. Hermione had a really good point, but it had seemed as if it wasn't even the same magic that we use. But I guess that was just a stupid hunch.

"Now," Hermione said, "You probably should get dressed too. You're not going to get any warmer just sitting here." I laughed and ran back upstairs, pretending not to here anything in my sister's bedroom.

Maybe it was just best to forget anything happened today. Just try to forget it. There was that nagging suspicion on the back of my mind that some bad was going to happen at Hogwarts this year.

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