Chapter Six

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Hermione POV

I didn't really trust this Percy. Not only because he doesn't know who Harry is and because he hadn't been here before making it his first year but he looked like the same age as Harry.

For all we know, Percy could be a spy for Voldemort. After all the dreams Harry has been having, he might just need some more spies. Another reason he looks so familiar too me.

I was about to say something to Ron when I heard someone screaming, "PERCY!"

Percy's face turned pale, and he said, "Oh no."

After he said that a blonde girl came up to him, "Percy, you have to come and help me! Leo found this joke shop and I think I lost...," She stopped for a minute to realize that we were here as well, "Who are they?"

Percy laughed and introduced all to his girlfriend Annabeth. She smiled, while slowly having her hand go for something on her side, before she realized she didn't have it.

"Well, so sorry to be such a bother to Percy. We really should be going, right Ron?" I asked him, kicking him in the shin.

"Right." he croaked. I rolled my eyes as I thought, why do I date such an idiot.

"We should be going too." Annabeth replied, grabbing Percy's hand and dragging him into the other direction.

I did the same with Ron and Harry before stopping somewhere quiet.

"Harry! What did you do? Do you even remember the dreams from last night?" I yelled at him.

His eyes widened, "Hermione, calm down. I just bumped into him." even thought he had stopped talking, I knew there was more to the story.

"What else?" I asked.

"What do you mean, what else?"

"I know there is more to the story. Now spill!"

"Ok, ok. He just looked like I knew him from somewhere."

"Really?" Ron asked. Harry nodded. I didn't understand why these two were acting as if they had forgotten what had happened this morning. I turned around and walked to the bookstore, leaving them to wonder what was going on.

I had forgotten how many advanced class there was at Hogwarts, not to mention the regular classes. I tried to get all the books I needed but it was hard to fit them all in. I started to think about that time-turner I used in my third year.

My concentration was lost when me and someone else grabbed the same book on the shelf. I pulled away so that the other person could take it. When I turned to the person, I saw it was that girl from the alley with Percy.

"Annabeth, right?" I asked. She smiled and nodded but continued to pick up books on the shelf.

"So I'm guessing this is your first year at Hogwarts?"

"Yah,"she said, "we go to a wizard school in America but we wanted to spend our last year over here."

"What's with all if the advanced books?"

She looked down at her basket, as if realizing those books were for the first time."Oh," she muttered, "Well, I'm a top student at my school and I thought it would be fun to get a little extra challenge."

I laughed, "Well here, I'm considered best witch in Gryffindor. At least when I went to the school."

She smiled, "What do you- oh right." She must have remembered what had happened with Voldemort.

"So." I said, trying to get off topic, "Are both are your parents magically, or just one?" She frowned, and thought for a moment.

"Well, it's complicated." she answered.

"Oh, are neither of your parents magical?"

"You could say that."

"Don't worry," I said, understanding what she might have gone through at her school, "neither of my parents have magic either." she smiled. Me and Annabeth have more in common than I thought.

"Well who do we have here?" I heard someone say behind me. I turned around to see Malfoy.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, annoyed that he would even try to talk to me.

"Same as you I guess." he said, with an evil grin on his face. He looked behind me to see Annabeth. "And who might this be?"

"Annabeth." she said, "Oh. I guess your one of those weirdos Hermione was just telling me about." She turned to me, as if saying, back me up.

"Right," I said, "he is."

"Well, keep talking like that and-"

"And what?" I asked. His cheeks turned cherry red and he stormed out of the store. I smiled as I turned around to Annabeth.

"Thanks for helping me get rid of him."

"No problem, I'm used to guys like those." she said.

After the little incident with Malfoy, me and her started to talk. As we walked, we picked up the books we needed for different classes.

Turns out we have a lot in common. the last thing I remembered talking about was boyfriends when someone came running up to Annabeth in a hurry. He whispered something in her ear and she had to go.

My mind had almost forgotten about the doubt I had earlier. I was still aware of it but I didn't worry about it now. There was still a feeling that I would still need to keep an eye out for something. I just wasn't sure what to look for.

I walked down the alley, waiting for Ron to apologize for what he thought he did wrong earlier today.

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