Chapter Two

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Annabeth POV

Percy had been talking to Chiron for a long time now. I found myself pacing for no reason. Well you can't blame me for being worried. Last time something bad happened my boyfriend disappeared for 8 months. I was never going to let that happen.

As I was pacing, I remembered something Chiron had told me a few weeks ago. It was about a magical race called wizards and witches. I had laughed at first when he told me. I mean it did make some sense if you thought about but I guess it's not as bad as the roman demigods. At least the wizards haven't tried to attack us yet.

Finally, I was tired of waiting and walked towards the big house.

"I wouldn't go in there." someone said behind me. I turned around to see Nico, who was just naturally leaning against a tree as if he has been there the entire time.

"What do you mean?" I ask even though I know what he was going to say.

He just smiled and said, "They just might be talking about something really important or a big secret that you can't know about."

I laughed and replied, "I know that but do you know how long he has been in there?"

"About an hour."

"How do you know?"

He stopped smiling. "I just know, ok?"

I sighed, "Nico, do you even know what happened?" Even after I said it I knew the answer would be yes. Ever since we had gotten back from Greece, Nico was everywhere, scaring me and Percy when ever we were doing sword practice.

"Yah, I was walking to my cabin when I saw you two fighting I wanted to watch. Is that such a big deal?"

I didn't want to answer that. I turned back to the door hoping it would open. Just as I was thinking this, the door opened and Percy came walking out.

"Percy!" I yelled, "What happened? What did he say?"

He didn't say anything about the questions but said, "Annabeth, Nico, follow me. We have to find Leo." At first I didn't ask why. my best guess was we were going on a quest. But since Percy wasn't giving me any information, I asked, "Percy what's going on?"

He just smiled and said ," I'll tell you once we find Leo."

As you can see, he wasn't giving me much information.

Once we reached bunker nine, Nico finally spoke up, "Why do we need Leo?" I had almost forgotten that he was behind us. Again, Percy didn't say anything.

He just walked into the bunker, as if our questions didn't matter.

Once we walked in, I had to cover my ears. I had been in the bunker a few times and had forgotten how loud it was in there when Leo was working on something.

"Hey!" Percy yelled at Leo, but there was no answer.


I heard a startled Leo bang his head in something in the distance.

"OW! What the heck Percy!" I heard him yell over the noise.

"Can you stop whatever you're doing?"


"Just stop for a minute and I'll explain!"

Leo stopped his work and walked over to the entrance. "What is it now?" he asked. Percy sighed, "Well, Chiron wants me and you guys to come to me to this weird wizard school in England."

There was a brief moment of silence before Leo started to crack up.

"You want us to go to England! Are you crazy?!"

I glared at him which made him stop laughing.

"As I was saying," Percy continued, "he wanted me to pick three other demigods to come with me to help us form an alliance with them so I picked you guys."

I knew Percy picked me because he didn't want to leave me behind, Leo because that sarcasm gets him in and out of weird situations, but I didn't understand why he picked Nico to come with us.

"Man, I would loved to come but how about you bring Jason instead of me, ok?" Leo said. I understood him not wanting to go but why suggest Jason?

"I was thinking Jason at first but then I figured that three sons of the big three would be dangerous."

Wow, I thought to myself, Percy actually thought a plan through without my help. I know that is a mean thing to say but Percy usually never rethinks his plans.

"Oh well then," Leo muttered, "I guess I could go with you guys." Percy smiled and said, " Great. We leave tomorrow morning." and walked out of the bunker without saying anything else,

"Who else thinks Percy is acting weird today?" Leo asked. We all muttered in agreement. I couldn't help to think that Chiron had told Percy more than just about the wizards and the quest.

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