Chapter Seventeen

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Ron's POV

"There you three are!" Hadgrid bellowed as Harry, Hermione and me ran up to his hut. "I haven't seen you for a while."

Harry laughed. "You can say we've been busy."

It was odd that we didn't come here as often this year. Not like anything really exciting has happened either way, but we could have visited a lot more. We did see him during Care of Magical Creatures though. Hermione had suggested that we visited him for our free period , and had all agreed quickly.

We had only been talking for a few minutes, when we all heard a faint horse whiengh. Harry had ran straight towards the sound with Hermione and me following.

Just behind the hut was a pure black horse- no wait- it had wings... it couldn't be a horse.

"A Pegasus." Hermione muttered. Oh, so that is what it was.

Harry put out his hand to pet it when Hermione pulled him back.

"Harry! Are you that stupid?"

"Depends... why?"

"Pegasi are supposed to be super rare. I've read about them and-"

"Of course you've read about them." I interrupted.

"And they are only supposed to be tame to those who own them or have spent time with them. They aren't the nicest creatures."

"Might explain why they're rare." I muttered under my breath. Hermione only rolled her eyes and pulled Harry and me back to the front of the hut.

Hagrid had disappeared and Annabeth, Percy and Leo could be seen running down the hill to get here. Around them were more students, that didn't to mind the three kids shoving their way in front of them.

Before they even got closer, Harry got a werid look on his face and looked around.

"Did you say something?" he asked me.

"What are you talking about, mate?"

Harry shook his head and rubbed his temples, looking around for something. I hope he's okay.

As the three Americans ran closer to the three of us, I started to hear some of their conversation.

"-just calm down, Leo." Annabeth muttered to Leo when they reached us.

Leo just rolled his eyes, and kept looking round axiously, but you could tell that he was excited.

"What's Leo all exicted about?" Hermione asked Annabeth.

She smiled and answered, "Well, we have some friends from our school in America coming over." There was going to be more of them here? I can barly handle all the crazy stuff that Leo does.

"Who?" I asked.

Percy interupted what Annabeth was going to say and answered, "Leo's girlfriend and one of Nico's friends." I didn't know Leo had a girlfriend.

Before the conversation could continue, I saw two Slytherin boys running down the hill to get to the hut. I knew from this far away that one of them was Draco and I instently scowled. Hermione and Harry seemed to notice too and got sour looks on their faces.

It didn't take too long for them to join the rest of the students near the hut. I noticed how Nico imedently started walking over to us. I'm not even going to try and figure out why.

"You were almost late." Annabeth told Nico as he walked over next to Percy. Nico only rolled his eyes at her. He looked up and his eyes locked on something behind me.

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