Chapter Five

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Percy POV

Everything that happened once we landed was still a blur. Annabeth said that it was my way of getting used to the new magic, even though it was a pretty bad reaction, at least I wasn't like Leo, who had passed out on the train. He was snoring really loudly.

I knew that this was going to be my quest, after what Chiron has told me. But it did seem as if Annabeth was the one planning everything. She even got us a vault at the wizard bank!

Not that I'm not proud of her for pulling all that off, but this quest wouldn't have happened without me discovering magic and having Chiron tell me about Hogwarts.

I was laying down on my bed in our room. There must have been a weird look on my face because Nico asked me, "Percy, you ok?"

I turned to him and laughed. "I'm fine. Just thinking." I told him. I could tell that he knew that I was lying, but I really didn't care.

"Same. What have you been thinking about?"

"Mostly the quest, also some other things."

"Like what?"

"Just things." I told Nico. He didn't say anything back, which made me think I had been hard on him.

"Sorry man, it's just been weird trying to take this all in." I said.

"Don't worry about it. I know how you feel."

"Don't tell me that you already knew about this school."

Nico laughed, remembering about when I asked him of I knew him at the Camp Jupiter.

I smiled, happy that Nico was in a good mood. My smile faded as I heard two arguing demigods come into the room and slamming the door shut.

"Well you can't blame me! At least I wasn't screaming my head off in the ride to the vault!"

"It's not my fault the goblin didn't tell us that would be dangerous!"

"Well I wasn't the one who almost set the place on fire!"

"Guys!" I yelled at them both. They turned to look at me, with anger in their eyes.

"I don't think it matters what happened. Did you at least get the money we need to buy everything?" I asked, trying my best to calm my girlfriend down, which isn't easy.

Annabeth nodded and handed me a sack filled with different gold and silver.

"Do you think we have enough?" I asked her.

Leo answered, "Don't worry, we have enough." Well at least he wasn't screaming at Annabeth anymore.

Diagon alley was nothing like I thought it would be. All of the magic amazed me, and that was pretty hard to do since I was a demigod. On one side of me I heard Annabeth talking about the different architecture. I pretty much zoned her out.

I guess I was being too much of an idiot to notice anything around me, so I bumped into some kid.

I turned around to face him and apologize, "Sorry man. Didn't see you there."

He smiled, in my mind I thought that he seemed familiar.

"It's ok," he said, "I wasn't look where I was-"

"Harry!" someone yelled behind us. then two teens, a girl and a red headed boy. "Harry, why did you run off? And who is this?" the girl asked Harry.

"I'm Percy." I said before Harry could say anything, "and these-" I turned around to realize my friends must have not noticed that I stopped "well my friends were here a minute ago. Well who are you guys?"

"I'm Ron." the redheaded boy said.

"Hermione." the girl answered.

I turned to Harry just to double check. I'm not really good at understanding British accents at times.

His smiled faded as he answered, "Harry. Harry Potter."

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