Chapter One

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Percy's POV

"You ready seaweed brain?"

"Try me." I told Annabeth. Even after the giant war, me and Annabeth always found our selfs practicing as if there was going to be another war to fight. I sure hope it wasn't that way.

She smiled and said, "Well, well. Someone wants to feel proud and mighty today. Especially since you're going to get beat by a girl!"

"Oh, now it's on!"

She laughed and charged at me. I side stepped her move and got ready for the real fight. To most people, our fight wouldn't have seemed far. But then you have to remember that me and Annabeth Have been fighting with each for a long time. We knew each moves so well that it was really hard have a winner in the end.

I thought I heard something behind me move, so I got distracted for a minute and turned around. before I knew it, Annabeth had ambushed me from behind and disarmed me. I held me hands up in surrender.

"Nice try seaweed brain. I always win. What did I tell you about being distracted?" she asked. I shrugged as she rolled her eyes. Then something really unpredictable happened. Right as Annabeth moved forward to pick up Riptide, her dagger flew out of her hands and she was pushed back by some invisible force.

She looked up at me in awe and terror.

"Pp Percy?",she asked, "how did you do that?"

I really didn't know what to say. I really didn't know how I did that either. It was some sort of new magic I have never seen before. As Annabeth stood up, still in shock. she said, "You have to tell Chiron. He might know what happened."

I wanted to laugh. I was mostly surprised that she didn't know what had happened, being the daughter of Athena, I was sure she had plenty of ideas on the situation.

"But what if.." I was cut off by Leo being chased by Piper

"I'm going to kill you repair boy!"

"But I didn't do anything!" Leo yelled back to piper as he ran across the field. I stopped Piper and asked, "What happened?"

"Leo snuck into the Aphrodite cabin to get some thing when me and Jason were in there!" she yelled back at me and started to chase Leo again. Me and Annabeth exchanged worried looks as we watched Piper nearly catch up with him.

Annabeth laughed and turned her attention back to me. "Percy you really should tell Chiron. I'm worried that this might be leading up to something." she said

I nodded. Whenever Annabeth was worried I know she would be right. Not only that but I didn't want to argue with her know the current situation Leo was in with Piper at the moment.

Annabeth smiled, took my hand, and walk with me to the big house.


Harry's POV

The dreams had happened again. Though they weren't as bad as the ones with Voldemort, they seemed almost as bad. I sat up in bed and started to think about them. I was mostly just following around this kid. He had black hair and sea green eyes, almost like me but without glasses. most of the dreams he had been fighting off terrible monsters but not with magic. With a sword. The more strange part was whenever he would strike at it to kill the monster, it would just disintegrate to a golden dust.

It was defiantly something I haven't seen before. Right as I was about to get up, I heard a knock on the door. As it creaked open, Hermione stuck her head through the open space.

"Are you alright Harry? I thought I heard you scream in your sleep again" she asked

"No I'm fine really."

"Are you sure? You don't look that good."

"Well, I am having these weird dreams again...."

"Why don't u tell me about them?"

I sighed and started to describe them. As I did, I saw the color drain com Hermione's face. once I was done she asked, "Are you sure they're no big deal? They seem terrifying. Maybe it's a message telling you that we have another battle to fight, or that we aren't the only dangerous wizards out there."

I laughed. she gave me a puzzled look. Then I said, "Hermione, they're just dreams. Nothing that important." she glared at me, "That's what you said last time dreams like this happened." and walked out the room.

" Hermione wait!" I yelled and ran after her downstairs. by the time I got down there she had already started to eat breakfast.

"What's the matter Harry? Something wrong?" Ron asked me.

"Yah I'm fine." I muttered and sat down next to Hermione.

"Don't mention the dreams to anyone. Not even Ron, ok?" I whispered. she turned to be and nodded, understanding that I wanted to keep it a secret.

Ron looked up from his food and asked, "What's going on? Are you guys keeping secrets from me?"

Hermione looked at me and said, "We should at least tell Ron." I sighed and let her tell him. after she was done, Ron just laughed.

"You guys really want me to believe that the boy defeated a monster... without magic! you guys must think I'm crazy or something."

"It's serious Ron! Harry's been having these dreams for a while. They're no joke!" Hermione yelled at him. He stopped laughing.

"I was just joking Hermione!" Ron said. Hermione just rolled her eyes at him and continued eating.

Then I started to think, "what happens when I meet this guy? what were to happen if I had to fight him? I could try to defend myself with magic but sooner or later it will ware off and that sword could go straight through me." I tried to tell myself to stop thinking like that but it was hard to not think about the obvious.



"Where you even listening to me?" Hermione asked. I shook my head.

"Ugh, I was saying that this should be the year we finish up our last year at Hogwarts!"

I nearly choked myself. "Are you crazy? After the dreams I've been having?!" I yelled at her

"I agree with Harry." Ron said, "Why now anyway?"

"Because maybe we can protect Hogwarts from this new threat... if it even is a threat."

I thought about this. "I guess she has a point."

"Harry!" Ron yelled at me. I'm surprised he had the nerve arguing with his girlfriend.

"Well it's this year or next year." I told him. He thought about for a minute, pouted, then said, "Fine. Might as well do it this year." Hermione smiled then hugged him. She turned to me and said, "Might want to get dressed Harry. You might be able to start practicing some Quidditch before you get back." I smiled as she gave me the idea and ran up the stairs, completely forgetting about the dreams. Almost.

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