Chapter Sixteen

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Nico's POV

I blamed myself for what happened over break. Sure Percy and Annabeth forgave me for it and didn't act like it was a big deal, but I knew that Annabeth was secretly angry at me. I was still able to cover it up and do my best to not blow our cover. No one really asked what had happened... other then Annabeth when she got back... and the nurse... but other then that no one asked about it.

As I walked into Potions, I wished I had stayed behind a minutes longer.

"No! I'm not taking off the bandage!"

"Percy Jackson, you already recovered so you can take it off!"

"There is a weird scar there now."

"Is there something wrong with scars on foreheads?"

"Harry, pick a side!"

"Just take it off!"


I shook my head, avoiding eye contact so that I wouldn't have to get into another argument like that. They seem to settle down, but Percy was still wearing the bandage of forehead. That was the reason that he was sitting next to Ron at the moment.

"Morning class." Professor Slughorn chorused as he walked into the classroom. We all mumbled a welcome, as a reluctant Harry came over to take the open seat next to me.

It still felt weird, finding out that he was Percy's brother. I could totally see it though. They had more in common then they thought. It was pretty weird. Why did Percy have to have a brother?

I looked back over at Slughorn, carefully picking out a bottle of something from a small cupboard. When he turned back around to the class, he was holding a small bottle of a dark colored water. It couldn't be...

"Water from the river styx." he stated, making a lot the demigods in the room jump. Percy tensed up. "When mixed in a certain way, can make a perfect healing potion. With the person sitting next to you, you must figure out this potion for the assignment."

Percy looked like he was about to faint. I didn't want to know what would happen if that stuff touched him. After what had happened what seemed to be forever ago.

Slughorn just smiled. "Don't worry. It is perfectly harmless." To demonstrate, he poured a drop on to his arm, and indeed, nothing happened. Percy might not be so lucky.

"Is there something wrong?" Harry asked me. I didn't realize until then I had been holding my breath. I sighed and nodded.


Slughorn circled the room, looking for the best potion. I had made our to fail, just in case it had a bad effect on demigods. Harry didn't really protest.

By the time he had gotten to Percy and Ron's desk, I thought we could all go to the next class without a problem. I jinxed it.

"Mr. Jackson, Mr. Wesley, I never would of thought that you two would have come up with the winning potion." he smiled.

I could just hear the anger coming from Annabeth and Hermionie's table. But Percy and Ron seemed surprised. Percy paled a bit, while Ron was beaming.

Slughorn placed a few drops of the styx water into their potion. I winced as it landed in the cauldron. He looked up at Percy and frowned.

"Would you mind taking off your bandage for me?" he asked.

Percy hesitated but slowly took it off. I was the scar lining his scalp. It wasn't very thick, a little too deep though, but it was all that seemed reasonable to show after all of the nectar and ambrosia that he had taken in when Harry and me had to wake him up. Annabeth wasn't any happier that Percy had taken off the bandage when a teacher asked and not his girlfriend.

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