Chapter Eight

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Nico POV

The castle was one of the coolest places I've been too. I mean sure New Rome was amazing and Camp Half-Blood was my second home. But it is hard to compare them to a castle!

We (meaning Percy, Annabeth, Leo, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and me) rode to Hogwarts on a carriage pulled by strange looking horses. It's hard to say things look strange when you're a demigod.

"What are those?" I asked. Harry looked at them and asked, "You can see them too?"

I was about to answer when Percy said, "Are we not supposed to see them or something?"

Harry nodded, "Only people who have seen death can see them." In my mind I thought, oh so pretty much all demigods.

The carriage ride was pretty silent after what Harry said.


I was getting tired of waiting outside the hall with all of the other first years. We all towered over them and I'm pretty sure that they were scared of us.

Finally, the headmaster opened the door to let us into the great hall.

Once we got in, I swear that Annabeth might have screamed. There was an enchantment on the ceiling so we can see the night sky. I looked behind me at Annabeth, whose face was pale as she started talking to Percy about what she should have done on Olympus.

I turned back around right before I almost ran into a few first years. I looked up to see the sorting hat, but my eyes drifted away to a certain teacher at the end of the table in a wheelchair.

I wasn't that surprised that Chiron had come along. With me and Percy here, it was really dangerous. Not to mention the other two demigods here.

Then someone whispered something in my ear, "Make sure to call him Mr. Brunner. Not Chiron. Ok?"

I realized it was Percy and nodded.

Before I thought it couldn't get any weirder, the hat started to sing. I ignored it and looked around at the other kids. I noticed Harry, Ron, and Hermione sitting at one table. Harry had his arm around a redheaded girl that looked as if she was Ron's sister.

Then I noticed one guy sitting on the table behind Harry. He reminded me of Luke, well Luke before he had turned into a hero in the end.

I got distracted by the headmaster yelling out, "Annabeth Chase!"

I watched her calmly walk pass the first years on the the bar stool. Once she sat down, the sorting hat was placed on her head. She jumped a little when it started talk to her. After maybe a minute it yelled, "Gryffindor!" She smiled as she walked down to the and sat next to Hermione, who was smiling about as much as Annabeth. This was going to be a long year.

"Nico di Angelo!" I was startled to hear my own name at first but then I slowly walked to the front and sat down.

"Hm," it said," You are very difficult. You have a surprising amount of bravery, but a very dark past. Must have to put you in... Slytherin!"

I looked down at Percy, who was about as surprised as I was. I got up and walked down to the table. I sat down at the very end of the table, not really in a mood to talk to anyone.

Then the blonde kid walked down next to me and sat down. "Welcome to Slytherin. As long as you don't bother me, you will have a great year. Got it?"

"Sure." I said sarcastically but he didn't seem to notice because he walked back down to where he was sitting. I looked up just in time for Percy's name to get called.

"Perseus Jackson!"

I had only heard Percy's full name only a couple of times, and it still kind of shocked me. I looked at Percy, who looked annoyed that everyone had heard his full name.

He quickly walked up to the bar stool and sat down. The hat was barely on his head when it yelled, "Gryffindor!"

The obvious place to put Percy. He is brave, loyal, and.... he's Percy Jackson.

I watched as he happily walked down to the Gryffindor table, sat down next to Annabeth and kissed her on the cheek. I looked away after that.

I didn't really pay any attention to any of the first years. Once they call Leo, who was last, it seemed as of everyone had forgotten about us.

The hat took a while before yelling, "Gryffindor!"

Again I was the outcast who didn't belong. Not that I didn't mind, but I guess I was a little tired of people looking at me with pity.

The headmaster, Professor McGonagall, made a quick little speech about things we could and couldn't do at Hogwarts this year. She concluded with a welcome for Chiron, I mean Mr. Brunner.

After all of that, she clapped her hands and food magically appeared on the table. It sort of reminded me of the magic plates at Camp Half-Blood. Great, now I was getting homesick.

I was about to start eating when something hit me. Not literally, but I realized something.

With everyone deep in conversation, not quite wanting to look up, I walked over to Chiron. I was surprised the teachers didn't really mind.

"Sir?" I asked him.

"It is ok."


"I talked to them. You don't have to. They realize it might be hard on this quest."

I smiled and walked back down to my seat. I looked up at my friends at the Gryffindor table. They all looked at me anxiously. I nodded and them seemed to get the message.

Once I sat down, I realized that I wasn't hungry. So I spent the entire time just thinking. Not really paying attention to any of the conversations around me, until I heard something weird.

"- not such a good idea. Are you sure your dad said that he's back?" The first person said.

"Would you keep your voice down!" said the other, "And yes, he did say that. For some reason I think he doesn't want me to know."

"Maybe because he thinks you will tell everyone that-"

"I said, keep your voice down!"


By that point in the conversation, dinner was over and we had to head to our common room.

I glanced over at the others. They were laughing and having fun, forgetting all about me. Then Percy turned around to see me. I quickly looked down and followed the rest of the Slytherin group.

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