Chapter Seven

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Harry POV

As I watched the scenery pass by me in the window while Hermione talked on and on about what happened yesterday.

"What about not trusting anyone?" Ron asked her, still confused by the situation.

"We still have to worry about it, but maybe I was just over reacting."

Me and Ron gave her a weird look. Hermione never admits that she was wrong about anything.

She looked like she was going to say something, but then there was a knock on the door of the compartment.

Percy's face popped up and asked, "Mind if we sit here? Everywhere else is full." I nodded and opened up the door.

Percy, Annabeth, and two other guys walked in and sat down.

"Oh, this is Leo and Nico." Percy said, gesturing to the two guys on his left.

I smiled and introduced Ron, Hermione, and myself.

Even before I could say anything to them, Hermione started to talk to Annabeth about different classes or something like that. Percy seemed used to it, but Leo kept on giving weird looks to the two of them.

I rolled my eyes and turned to Percy. "I'm guessing you haven't heard a lot about Hogwarts yet."

He nodded like he was embarrassed not knowing about it. I didn't really take that into consideration before I told him about some of adventures at Hogwarts. Ron kept on interrupting me so it was hard to tell the whole story.

Percy listened, looking like he understood what it meant to have had to fight an enemy.

All of the sudden Hermione stood up and started to go through her stuff behind her in a hurry.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"We are going to be there soon and I forgot to put my robes on sooner!" she said to me in a hurry. Annabeth did the same, well, trying to find her robes, not yelling at me.

Soon they were both rushing out the door to the back of the train. It got really quiet after they left.

"Well," Leo said, "I'll be going. Don't worry I'm not going to pull a prank or anything." and with that he ran out of the compartment.

"Me and Ron should go after him. Make sure he doesn't get into any trouble. Right?" Nico said as he started to get up. Ron slowly nodded and followed him.

"What's up with Nico?" I asked Percy.

"Not sure how to answer that."

Before me and Percy started talking again, I saw Ginny walk up to the door, look at me and Percy, and then rushed off. I got up and walk after her, not saying anything to Percy.

"Ginny wait!" I yelled down the hallway. I finally caught up to her when she had to let some people move past her. I put my hand on her shoulder so she would stop.

"Are you avoiding me?" I asked, "After we got back from Diagon alley you have been acting strange."

she looked around, as if she was worried someone was listening. "The other boy in the compartment. His name doesn't happened to be Percy Jackson, does it?"she asked nervously.

"Well his name is Percy but I don't know his last name."

"Can you double check for me?"

"But I don't understand-"

"Please." she said, her eyes filled with concern. I nodded, she smiled and kissed me on the cheek before rushing off to the end of the train.


I sat back down in my seat, staring off into space. Percy gave me a weird look and said, "I'm guessing you didn't get to talk to her."

"No." I said, then I had an idea. "Your last name isn't Jackson by any chance, is it?"

"Yah it is." he replied. "Why?"

"No reason." Percy was about to say something when I heard Leo yell, "Let me go Annabeth! I didn't do anything!"

"Sure you didn't." she said sarcastically as she entered the booth.

Then she said quietly, "I told you before we left you couldn't use that kind of magic."

"What kind of magic?" I asked. Just by that comment, I got strange looks from them.

"You understood what I said to him?" Annabeth asked.

"Yah. Why? Weren't you talking in English?"

She turned to Percy, then to me, then to Percy again. I heard the train screech forward before it stopped so suddenly, Annabeth landed on top of me.

"Sorry" she said quickly as she got up. I swore that Percy was giving me a death glance.

"What happened?" I asked. Hermione walked up from the back off the train to the booth, "I think something is inside the train." she said. She seemed to be as confused as I was about the situation as I was.

Percy stood up and walked out of the compartment holding some sort of pen.

I looked at him leave before asking Annabeth, "What is he going to?"

"He going to be the hero and try to stop whatever might be going on in the front." someone behind Annabeth said. I realized it as Nico. How on earth was he able to sneak up on people like that?

No more questions.

I knew that it would be a bad thing to have your new friend almost get killed by walking into danger so I decided to run after him.

"Harry!" I heard Ron yell, but I just ignored him.

I pushed past all the kids in my way until I got to the front of the train. Even thought I thought I had gotten there too late, I was surprised at what I saw. I had caught a glimpse of a dementor rushing off the train, and Percy putting something away. when he turned around, he was holding that pen. What was it with that pen?

"How much of that did you see?" he asked, nervously.

"Not much," I replied, "just you scaring off the dementor."

He took a sigh of relief before saying, "Well might as well get ready for Hogwarts, while were out of the booth."

I laughed as we headed back.

I was still thinking about what I saw there. I was sure I didn't here him use a spell, but I have been wrong a lot of times.

It made me think about my dream, maybe a connection I might have to Percy Jackson.

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