Chapter Eighteen

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Leo's POV

I did my best to control my excitement all day. Sure, I was terrible at doing that, but could you blame me! Calypso was coming to stay at Hogwarts! How could I not be excited?

Well... she could be mad... of what I did over winter break... it's not important of what I did, I know it was bad but it was the only chance I had, okay!

I just pulled a prank on her! Geez... you people are weird.

Sorry... ADHD. Continuing the story.

I'm pretty sure I drove Annabeth insane with how I was bugging her all day. Percy yelled at me during one of our classes because I kept asking him how long it would be till they would come. Nico... Nico was just pissed that we didn't tell him earlier that Will was coming.

It was a bit later during dinner that night when McGonagall made the announcement.

"Students! May I have your attention please!" I heard her yell over the noises of everybody talking.

I squealed, "Finally!" Annabeth and Hermione slapped my arm.

"As you all know," she explained, "Earlier this year, four wizard students came from America to learn at Hogwarts. They wanted to tell their school about Hogwarts, but seeing as the four are in only different house, two other students have come to join us. They were already sorted into their house this morning."

"She was here already?" I asked Percy. He shrugged and kept listening to the headmaster.

"-so please welcome, Ms. Callie Nightshade, Ravenclaw, and Mr. Will Solace, Huttlepuff!"

There was some applause as the walked through the doors, followed by Chiron. Still in that weird wheel chair thing... how?

I waved to Calypso as she walked in. She rolled her eyes, but she was smiling.

I turned back around to the group. "That's my girlfriend." I told them.

A few people replied, "We know.", others groaned.

"Does Nico look happy?" Percy asked me. I looked behind his head to get a good look at the son of Hades.

"Far from it." I scoffed. He was giving a death glare to Percy, not even looking at Will.

"Told you he wouldn't like it." Annabeth muttered, smiling to herself.

Percy rolled his eyes and continued eating.

Dinner was a blur. I barely paid any attention to the food and kept looking over Calypso, hoping I could get her attention before dinner ended.

Finally, we were all excused to go back to our dorms, which was when I made a break for the Ravenclaw table.

Callie quickly said goodbye to some girl she was talking to and walked over to me.

I must of had the big happy grin on my face because of the way she laughed when she saw me.

We hugged for a few seconds before we let go, held hands and walked out of the great hall.

"So, Ravenclaw, huh?" I asked her, trying to make conversation.

"It surprised me too, but my guess is someone was making it so there were demigods in each house."

I laughed. "Did you just include yourself with the demigod crowd?" I asked.

She playfully pushed my shoulder and rolled her eyes.

We walked a bit further down the hall in silence before I told her, "I'm glad you're here. Even if it is for a little while."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2015 ⏰

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