Chapter Ten

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For the first time since the Argo II, I woke up to screaming. I instantly jumped out of bed and reached for my tool belt. Then cursed at myself for forgetting that I had left it with Chiron. At least he's here.

While I looked around for the screamer, my eyes locked on to a soaking wet Percy and Annabeth holding a empty bucket. By then I knew what had happened. My smile widened.

"What was that for?!" Percy yelled at his girlfriend.

Annabeth grinned and said, "I know how hard it is to wake you up in the morning so I wanted to give you some help. I also wanted to double check that you wouldn't... you know." Percy looked down at himself, as if realizing that he had gotten wet.

"If you guys want to have a cute little couples moment, I suggest that you take it outside." I yelled at them, still trying to keep myself from laughing at Percy for letting his girlfriend have to wake him up.

Annabeth blushed, kissed Percy on the cheek and said, "Morning seaweed brain."

"Nice girlfriend you got." a very sarcastic Harry say from across the room. Percy jut rolled his eyes and started to get dressed.

As I started to get dressed, I looked a little more closely at the robes we had gotten. "Gods these things look ridiculous. They expect us to actually wear them?" I muttered.

"Yep." said a very depressed Ron, as he dragged his feet out the door.

"What's his problem?" I asked Harry, "It's not like we had much of a choice to go back to school."

"Well, we did." Harry answered, almost a little too naturally.

I stopped what I was doing, "Why?"

He gave me a bewildered look, "Because we spent our entire last year defeating the most evil wizard of all time. We decided to take a break and to have our final year now."

"Evil wizard?" I wanted to laugh, "That doesn't seem so bad compared to what we had to face." Right after I said this, Percy looked up from his trunk and gave me his 'you-idiot!' stare. I wanted to face palm myself.

"Well what did you guys have to face? Did the death eaters go to your school too?" he asked.

I looked at Percy, who mouthed, "Ask Annabeth later."

"Not really sure." I answered in staggery voice, "I was vacationing with my dad in New York." Even from the side of the room I was on, I could still hear Percy face palm himself.

"Lucky you." I heard Harry mutter to himself as he walked out the door.

"That was almost as idiotic as you wanting Frank to be your messenger owl!" Percy yelled to me in a whisper.

"Not my fault that he agreed to it!" I yelled back at him as he waled out of the room.


Even though I wasn't half way through the day, I thought I was going to die of boredom. Well that is my opinion. Annabeth and Percy seemed to be having the time of there life's.

Turns out the Percy is better at magic then what I would have thought. I swear that he was even making Annabeth jealous.

Anyway, next up for us was Defence Against the Dark Arts. Chiron was the teacher so I wasn't that worried. At least, that was what I thought before I walked through the door.

There was a long table, or something that looked like a table. Everyone around me kept on whispering about some duel. At first I had thought, What are we going to do? Throw our wands at each other like they were sticks?

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