Chapter Twelve

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Annabeth's POV

I wasn't to happy about this "test' that Chiron had set up for us, but I wasn't going to overact about. I could tell that Percy was on the verge of flipping out. He kept on mumbling to himself about knowing some like this would happen. Though I had my doubts, Percy was full of surprises today.

"Do think that Chiron- I mean Mr. Brunner knew what would happen?" He asked me as we walked to his office.

I shrugged. To be honest, I wouldn't have been that made if it was true. Whatever Chiron had planned, he could kept that secret.

"We shouldn't bother him anyway Percy. He might be busy."

Percy pulled me aside and looked me right in the eyes. "Look, when Chiron told me about the mission I was a little worried-"

"Percy, what is the real reason we're here?" I interrupted.

He looked down, as if he was disappointed about something. He sighed and muttered under his breath, "I wish I could tell you...".

I sighed, "I understand." Percy kissed me on the cheek and left in the opposite direction. He looked back at me and smiled. I smiled back and kept on walking to Chiron's office.


After a while of dogging between tiny first years, I finally got to his office. I opened the door and was about to walk in when I ran into Hermione.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

She smiled and replied, "Oh, well, I ran into him in the hallway and we started talking. I'm thinking about learning some more about Greek monsters."

This took me by surprise. Was Chiron really being serious? Was he trying to get us exposed?

I smiled, hiding the worry in my eyes and said, "Nice, I didn't know that you would be into that stuff."

Hermione smiled, "Well, since the Drakon attack, I feel like I should be a little more prepared. You never know if something like that would happen again."

I have to give Hermione props for her preparation. She may not be a child of Athena but she sure did act like one.

"Well if you ever want any extra help, you can always ask me." I told her. Was that stupid? Yes, but maybe I could cover up some of the things Chiron might have slipped up on.

She smiled at me and nodded. There was a moment of awkward silence before she asked, "Were you going to talk to Mr. Brunner?"

I wasn't quite sure what to say. Sure I had some things I wanted to yell at him for, but I knew better.

"Not anymore." I answered. "What class do you have next?"

"Potions. You?"


With that, we both headed to potions.


With in what seemed like zero time at all, a month had passed. Rumors on the Drakon attack was the only thing exciting that happened here.

Percy and I really didn't mind the rumors. None of them were stupid and put us in danger, but Leo made it seem like we were celebrities. But every time he mentioned it, I just whacked him in the head.

Halloween was when everything started happening. Of coarse, most of it happened because of the scare we all got from Nico in Potions.

We were working on some project for the professor in pairs. I was with Hermione, Percy was with Leo, Harry was with Ron, and Nico was with that annoying blonde kid, Malfoy.

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