Chapter Thirteen

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Harry's POV

Halloween had been pretty weird. From that kid Nico freaking out in Potions to the excuses that Percy and Annabeth had whenever we would ask questions. It was very odd.

Hermione was even acting weird. She kept on going to Mr. Brunner's classroom during lunch and would have deeply involved conversations with Annabeth. She would just say hi to us then get her nose in a book. That was typical Hermione though.

That was basically November in a nutshell too. Other then the most troubling homework in DADA, which Percy, Annabeth, Leo, and Nico seemed to be great at. Hermione was like that too, but she still wouldn't help me with it. Had I done something wrong?

By no time of Ron and me struggling, it was Christmas. No surprise at all when he invited Hermione to Christmas at his house instead of me. Not that I minded or anything. I just had nothing to do for Christmas this year. Might be nice though, for once.

Annabeth and Leo and also deiced to go, much to Percy's disapproval.

"I could at least go with you! Let Leo stay here!" I overheard him yell at Annabeth in the common room one day while I was doing homework.

"Hey!" Leo protested, "I haven't been able to see Callie for months now! You've been with Annabeth since the beginning of the year!"

"He has a point Percy." Annabeth sighed. "Besides, Mr. Brunner says he wants you here. Remember?"

I looked up from my homework, fairly confused, and asked, "Why would Mr. Brunner want Percy here?"

She just shrugged. "I guess he forgot to turn in some homework or something."

Percy rolled his eyes and walked back up to the dormitories.

By the time Annabeth had to leave though, you couldn't separate the couple.

"Make sure to say hi to my mom and Paul for me." He told Annabeth before she had to go.

I was only down there to say goodbye to Ron and Hermione.

"Don't have too much fun there without me." I told the two of them.

Hermione smiled. "We won't."

"Have a nice Christmas, Ginny." I whispered to my girlfriend as we hugged goodbye.

"Merry Christmas, Harry." she whispered back, smiling.

Ginny had been acting pretty normal since the first day back. She did try to avoid Percy though. That was strange.


It was one night during Christmas break. I was alone in the dormitory, trying to get a goodnight's sleep. What I got though, wasn't very good.

I was in a graveyard. The graveyard to be more exact. The one where Voldemort murdered Cedric.

I didn't know why I was there. My dreams keep on getting stranger and stranger.

"I don't understand why you brought me here, Kronos." I heard someone say.

The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. It was Voldemort.

I turned around quicker then you could say quidditch. What I saw frighten me even more.

Voldemort was talking to something inside a golden looking coffin. Other then them, the graveyard was empty.

"I told you." a deep menacing voice said, most likely from the coffin. "I've heard your plans for Potter and I know that they will fail."

Voldemort laughed. "How would you know? You've barely made any progress with the demigods. Unless you want to talk about that Luke kid."

"I made mine to fail, my dear Voldemort."

"Why on earth would you do that?" he asked, confused.

"My job is simply to get my mother to wake up. But after facing these demigods... I worried. That son of Poseidon, Percy Jackson, has really gotten on my nerves."

I gasped. Percy? Demigod? What was that? I was so confused that I missed what else this "Kronos" had said about him, or his plans.

"Why do you want to bring me into this mess with your enemy?" a very bored Voldemort asked.

"It could be a way to bring you back, if you fail."

At this, He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named perked up. "Continue."

"My mother has a plan to trick two out these seven demigods to go to Tartarus. To get their blood for the first of August."


"If you die, or get destroyed, you can curse one of those demigods. So they if they destroy that curse, you could become stronger."

Voldemort seemed intrigued. I didn't quite understand the plan, but I knew it was bad. If he came back... Hogwarts couldn't last another battle.

"Do we have a deal?" Kronos asked, his voice making the hairs on my chin stand up.

Voldemort smiled and nodded. "Yes, it appears we do."

With that, the scene changed.

I was now standing in a hellish like place. Red sky and just the feel of evil near.

I turned around, trying to find out what I was going to see this time.

Again, I wasn't pleased.

I saw Percy and Annabeth, being cornered by these demons looking things. Percy did have a sword and Annabeth had a rock to defend them, but other like that, they looked as if this wasn't the first time they had been cornered.

Percy shirt was torn and very dirty. Annabeth had her hair up in a makeshift ponytail, but other then that, looked a lot like Percy.

You could just see the terror in their eyes. I couldn't bear to look, but then I saw something.

Percy attacked one of the demons, which dissolved into dust, and then fell to the ground in pain, with a new wound appearing.

I wanted to help, but I knew I couldn't do anything. This was like a memory. It had already happened. That thought didn't really help much.

In the corner of my eyes, I saw something leave the group of monsters. I figured out what it was after a while.

"No." I muttered to myself.

"No!" I screamed and sat up right in bed.

My heart was racing. I could tell that I had woke up in a cold sweat.

I couldn't even believe what I had just saw. Even with that glimpse of what Percy and Annabeth had to go through, I felt terrible for them.

"You ok Harry?" Someone asked me.

I turned around. It was Percy. I could still remember what he looked like down in that place. I couldn't believe that someone could live through that and still be smiling.

"No." I told him. "You and me need to talk about something."

Percy nodded. "But not here." He gestjured to the other boys in the room. "In the common room."

I nodded and watched him walk back down the stairs.

I sighed and got out of bed. I really had no idea what I was going to tell Percy. If I said the wrong thing then he might think I'm crazy. But I still needed answers.

Reluctantly, I went down the stairs to talk to Percy Jackson, who I now know is a son of Poseidon.

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