Chapter Nine

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I have to say, I wanted to agree with Hermione about not trusting the wizards from America after what had happened at dinner.


"Gryffindor!", The hat yelled out for Percy Jackson. Annabeth squealed with joy.

My mouth was still wide open. That was the quickest I could remember anyone getting into Gryffindor house.

Percy sat down right next to Annabeth and kissed her on the cheek.

Nothing really exciting happened after Percy was placed. Once Leo was also put in Gryffindor, he sat down right across from Percy. He whispered something to him and he said, "What? Why did you tell him that?"

"Because I thought it would be nice to have my own personal messenger owl." Leo answered, sounding as cocky as ever. Percy whispered something to Annabeth.

"Idiot." She said, glaring at Leo, who was starting to look pale once he caught a glance of Annabeth's death glare.

"Attention students!", Professor McGonagall yelled to everyone in the room. "As some of you may know, Hogwarts has some visitors this year and only this year.

They are Wizards from America, spending their last year here to see how we do things here.

With them is our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Mr. Brunner. I wish you will give him a warm welcome.

As most of you may know, I will be filling in as Headmaster for this year until we can find a replace meant."

With that whispers filled the hall. I was not really in shock. I looked at Harry, who was smiling at the commotion of most of the younger kids in the hall. Excluding the wizards from America.

"Quiet!" McGonagall yelled, and the room was once again silent. "As I was saying. Lets hope this year will go by with the least amount of commotion as possible. Remember the the Forbidden Forest is out of bounds for all students." as she said that, she glared at Percy, Annabeth, and Leo. That seemed to be all of the speech for this year. She clapped her hands, and food magically appeared on the table.

I smiled in delight as I picked out different stuff, getting annoyed looks from Hermione.

I looked from my plate to realize that our new friends weren't eating. "Something wrong?" I asked, "Why aren't you eating?"

Hermione elbowed me which made me yell.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"You not having any manners." she said. I rolled my eyes. I will never understand girls.

I looked across the table at Percy, who was now eating. I shook the weird feeling off, but I knew that there was something wrong.

I was about to continue eating when I heard Ginny scream. Everyone looked up and watched her. She was shaking, pointing to Percy's arm and asking, "What was that tattoo on your arm? What does SPQR mean?"

Me and Harry exchanged worried looks.

Percy grabbed his wrist, as if he was hiding something. "Ww-what do u mean?" He asked. Percy glanced at Annabeth, who had the same look on her face as she did on the train. When Harry had heard something.

"I'm not stupid!" Ginny yelled. She grabbed Percy's hand and pulled it away from his wrist. Once his hand was removed, there was nothing there.

"But I saw it!" she exclaimed.

"Ginny, you probably just thought you saw it. After what happened." Harry said, trying to clam her down. It didn't work. "No no no no! There was a-a pitchfork, then the SPQR and the a line! I swear I saw it! It was really there!" she yelled at Harry.

Annabeth reached out to the other end of the table and grabbed Ginny's hand.

"Ginny, it's ok. After something has happened to you, you think you see things." she said. her voice was calm, and caring. As if she had been through the same thing.

Ginny stop thrashing and looked her in the eyes. I looked at Hermione who seemed just as surprised as me which never happens.

Ginny stopped moving. She looked like she was about to start crying before McGonagall yelled, "Everyone to your dorms!"


I was glad that we were sent to our dorms. It gave me a lot of time to think about what Hermione had said when we first met them. I was starting to believe it.

I was starting to fall asleep, then there was a knock on the door. I got up and opened it. It was Annabeth.

"Hello?" I said. Not the most intelligent thing I could of said.

"Can I talk to Percy?" she asked. But before I could say anything, she walked right in anyway.

"Percy?" she called. "Right here." he answered. Annabeth ran over to him and hugged him.

Percy seemed just as surprised as the test of the rest of us.

"Annabeth, what are-"

"I'm not letting her taking you again." she interrupted.

"Who took Percy?" I asked. Annabeth started to pale.

"Well," she explained, "A while back, Percy was kidnapped by this, this mad woman." At that comment Percy chuckled and may had said something like, "Understatement."

"And she took him away for 8 months. He just disappeared out of the blue. Once he woke up he had no memory of his life-"

"Except for you." Percy interrupted. I would have thought it was romantic if I wasn't sleep deprived.

"Look Annabeth, I understand your concern but I think we just want some sleep." Harry said.

Percy smiled and nodded. Annabeth sighed, kissed her boyfriend on the cheek and left.

"You have an awesome girlfriend." I told Percy.

"You should have seen what happened after she saw me for the first time in 8 months."

"What happened?" Harry asked.

Percy smiled as he got into bed and said, "She judo flipped me."

We all started to laughed for about ten minutes before Leo said, "I remember that."

I didn't understand why Leo was there but I let that slide.

As I fell asleep, I thought about how stupid it could of been to not trust them.

I really didn't want to get on Annabeth's bad side if she judo flipped her own boyfriend!

Maybe I should just wait things out, then I might just be right about something for once.

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