Daryl Dixon -- Afraid

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Word Count: 981

Warnings: None

Prompt: Losing someone you love is never something you enjoy.


Daryl stared into Rick's eyes as the pain overwhelmed his heart, as the tears threatened to spill from his eyes and show how hurt he really was. He turned to look at Rosita who looked very well pissed- and everyone knew not to get her pissed.

"Where is she?" Daryl asks.

"We don't know, one minute she was there the next Eugene throws a fit and she was trying to keep the walkers back and then she's gone." Rosita answers glaring at Eugene.

"I am a pussy I do know that, but I will bring Y/n back." Eugene speaks up with a slight stutter and Daryl turns to glare at him "Shut the hell up man, ya ain't going nowhere near her! If it wasn't for you being such a bitch she'd be here!" Daryl snaps.

Rick stepped in Daryl's way and kept him from touching Eugene "Rosita, Daryl and I will go look for Y/n." Rick announces staring directly into Daryl's baby blue eyes "But I can help." Eugene offers.

"No offense, but if I let you go Daryl might feed you to the walkers." Rick looks at Eugene with troubled eyes and Eugene nods slowly "I'll stay back then." He nods and steps back as Daryl storms off towards the exit of camp to go and find the one woman he has fallen madly in love with- but hasn't said a word about his feelings too.

Daryl walked out with Rosita at his side as Rick took a car and stayed about a mile ahead of them. Daryl and Rosita would go into the woods and try to track you once they got to the location in which you had disappeared. They were walking just in case you were headed back to camp and they heard you, they would be able to stop Rick and get you back to camp in a car.

Rick was a mile ahead looking for you and watching for any sign that you might've left.

"We gotta go into the woods." Rosita was tired of sitting around- well walking around when she should be inside looking for her sister "Aight." Daryl flags Rick down from behind and they inform him of their plan to head in.

"At night fall we meet up a mile down this way and we head back and gather more people for another search tomorrow." Rick instructs them and both Rosita and Daryl hated that plan but they knew it was the right plan.

Daryl and Rosita headed into the trees and walked around quietly trying to find you "There's no shoe prints, there's no sign. Daryl where the hell is she? She isn't dead, she's a fighter, a survivor." Rosita felt a couple tears slip down her face and Daryl looked at her and knew he had to come up with something.

"She wouldn't leave an obvious track, we both know that. She's here somewhere but she just isn't showing everybody in case someone we don't need around here or her comes by." Daryl lied, he knew you would give obvious tracks knowing he could follow them.

They both perked up and looked to the left as they heard a scream ring out through the woods "Y/n?" Rosita started running her legs were burning and Daryl snatched her up and hides behind a tree as a swarm of walkers started towards the scream. Daryl covered her mouth as he stood there with fear pumping through his blood.

His heart was racing as he feared you were to meet your death, he wanted to help you, he died inside because he couldn't. No, he couldn't. The swarm was too big for only three people to kill off and make it out alive. Rosita held onto his arms as tears fell down her face at a rapid pace.

They stayed there for hours holding onto one another and feeling utterly broken inside, they started back towards the road where they met Rick "We heard a scream, I think it was her. But a swarm came in and we couldn't do anything." Rosita tried her hardest to stay strong now but she wasn't doing very good.

They made it back to the camp and had to tell everyone of what they believed to be your death "Walker at the gate!" A man yells and everyone runs to the gate.

"Don't shoot!" Daryl yells as he realizes the bare footed, small dirty and mud covered person walking towards the gate was no walker but a human.

Rosita shoved the gate opened blindly and watched the person "It's Y/n." Rosita looked at Daryl and he nods before he took off towards you and grabbed you up as your legs fell weak and you fell into his arms "Miss me?" Your voice was shaky and weak as you looked up at him.

"Let's get you inside." He picked you up bridal style and walked towards the gate as Rosita met his side.

He walked you into Rosita's home and laid you on her bed as you looked around "Was it you? The scream earlier?" Rosita climbed to your side and you nod "I got pissed off." Your voice trailed off.

"There were so many of them and I just lost it. But they're all dead." You nod slowly "Daryl needs to talk to you, so I'll get some water to help wash you off a bit." Rosita walked out and you looked at the rough redneck.

"I love you too, Dixon." You spoke and he looked at you "How'd ya know I was gonna say sum like that?" Daryl got a small smirk and you let out a half-hearted laugh.

"A girl knows these kind of things." He smirks again and nods.

"Well, I love ya sunshine."


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