Daryl Dixon → Morning

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Word Count: 809

Warnings: y'all know what's up.

Prompt: "Good morning Daryl."


He kept his body pressed against yours, as he kept your back pressed against the cool tile of the shower. You could feel the warm water dancing on your skin as he kept his movements in rhythm not breaking his concentration. You gripped his shoulders as your nails ran down his bare back, you could feel his hot breath on your neck as you quietly moaned out his name.

"Hey Y/n." You froze you eyes widened as you looked at the dark shower curtain, he didn't stop he kept his movements going as you struggled to find your own words in your moment of pure bliss "Hey Maggie." You glanced over at the guy holding onto you tightly seeing a small smirk playing on his lips as he went deeper catching you off guard.

You bit your bottom lip hard as you realized he was taunting you, he was pushing you to your limit and you knew you couldn't keep quiet but you had to try. You held your breath as your nails dug into his back and ran down drawing some blood to the surface, he buried his face in your neck as you felt his teeth gently sink down on the skin of your neck.

"I was wondering if you knew where Carol was?" You screwed your eyes shut as you tried to focus on talking to Maggie "I don't know where Carol is, sorry." You managed out keeping your voice as steady as you could "Okay, are you okay?" You nod quickly before realizing she couldn't see you, which you were thankful for.

"Yeah, I'm fine." You answer struggling to hold onto your steady voice "Well morning Y/n." She turns to walk out and you sigh as you could focus back on him as he kept his movements going deep in you "Oh and." Maggie turned around "Good morning Daryl." You froze as you realized she knew who was in this shower with you.

You thought you had played it safe, Daryl had been spending nights with you now. And this morning he had joined you in the shower but you hid his clothes in the cabinet under the sink, the bathroom door closed and you relaxed back down as you felt him smirking against your bare shoulder. This son of a bitch knew she found out and taunted you anyway.

After you finished up your shower you stepped out wrapping yourself in a towel as Daryl wrapped a towel around his waist "You ass." You look at him and he smirks "No since in hiding it now, sunshine." He kisses you before grabbing his clothes and changing "I'll see ya later." Daryl winked towards you before heading out.

You walked out of your house and saw Rick walking down the street "Hey." You jogged up to his side and he smiled "Good morning, total ice breaker but Maggie told me about this morning." A hot blush crept up on your face as you knew what he was talking about.

"Well I don't know what she told you." Rick laughed "Calm down, you and Daryl are good together." You shrugged "I didn't exactly think anyone would find out, I don't even know how Maggie knew." You admitted "She thought it for a long time." Rick looks at you making you look at him in disbelief "Why didn't she say something?" You ask.

"She had no proof, but then she could see the movement in the bathroom this morning so she took a wild guess. She did snoop and look under your sink and saw his clothes." He filled you in and you nodded.

"Well I gotta go help her watch." You jogged off and headed over to the fence and climbed up to Maggie's post "How was your morning?" She asks making you blush "Can you not?" You question making her laugh "Get it Dixon!" Glenn shouted out to his friend who stared at him before looking up at you "Shut up Asian boy!" Daryl winked up towards you before walking off.

"Everyone knows?" You ask making Maggie shrug "I didn't mean for that to happen, I told Rick and Glenn walked in and you know Glenn he can't keep a secret." You laughed and shrugged.

"It's okay." You smile towards her before going back to small talk and watching for walkers.

Later that night you all sat around at Rick's laughing and talking "So Daryl, Y/n is this real?" Abraham looked at you both and you froze for a second, you melted into him as you felt Daryl press his lips to yours in front of everyone "Okay get a room you two!" Glenn joked.

"I say it's pretty real between those two." Rick vouches for you both "Yeah it is." Daryl spoke up putting his arm around you.


hope y'all enjoy

thinking bout chopping off my hair

xoxo druggbaby

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