Daryl Dixon → Arrows

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Word Count: 1311

Warnings: None

Prompt: Saving someone when they least expect it is always a job in itself.


You sat in a tree cutting off pieces of your apple and popping it into your mouth, before the world went to shit you were a pretty good hunter, and you knew your way around knives and guns like no one would believe. You heard quick rustling of the leaves and look down to see a guy with a cross-bow and a leather vest sitting on his shoulders, he had a big crowd of walker's behind him.

"Sorry ass." You whisper grabbing your combo-bow and grabbing an arrow you pulling it back and let go watching a walker fall, you did this again and again until each walker was down, the man looked around as you sat in the tree.

"Who ta hell is out there?" His voice was rough as he loaded his cross-bow and looked all around "I'm here and there, big shot. Why didn't you kill them?" You slipped the down the tree with ease and collect your arrows "Hey!" He snaps "Chill, I helped your sorry ass." You turned around and looked him in the eyes.

He saw you were a female and lowered his bow "Why'd ya do it?" You looked at him and took off through the woods, there was no way in hell you were going to explain yourself or trust him.

He tried following you but failed. Days had pasted by, you were a busy bee drifting around, scavenging for food and supplies. Weeks started passing by, you were out scavenging when you got attacked by a group of walkers.

Your bow got knocked out of your hands and knocked far from you, you got two knives out and started stabbing the walkers in the heads when you heard a bow going off and walkers falling down with arrows in their heads.

"C'mon." You took the large rough calloused hand and pulled yourself up "Ha, the irony." You picked your bow up and stared at the man you had saved before "Names Daryl." You nod "Good for you." You started walking off "Get back here dammit!" He tries grabbing at your arm but you ignore him.

"What the hell." He jogged up to you and stood in front of you now "Move, please." He stood up straighter "No, who the hell are you?" You sigh "Names Y/n, aight?" He scoffs.

"Why'd ya help me?" He asks "Why'd ya help me?" You ask crossing your arms "Because ya needed it." You scoff "I'm not no damn damsel in distress, I didn't need your help." He stares at you.

"You left ya supplies." He nods to your bag sitting on the ground, you turned around and grabbed your bag and took off "Dammit!" You heard his heavy footsteps following after you.

You knew these ally's perfectly as you ducked through a door and hid, Daryl stood there looking around he didn't see the walker behind him and you couldn't let him get bit "Move!" You command and shoot the walker in the head as Daryl moved to the side.

"Thanks, get out here." You came out and looked at him "Stop runnin from me." You didn't move a muscle you just looked at him "Here's ya arrow." He handed you your arrow back and you nod.

"Can I go now?" You ask "Yeah, let's go." Daryl started walking with you making you roll your eyes "I helped you, I didn't invite you to hold my hand." He scoffs.

"I ain't holdin ya hand, sunshine." He responds "You know what I mean." He lets out a gruff groan in response "Where ya staying?" You shake your head.

"There." You point to a building to your right "There, there, there." He looks at you "I'm a drifter, it's what I'm good at." You look around making sure there were no walkers around "My group lives in a prison just a few miles west." He informs you.

"Good for you, I'm fine on my own." You head towards a building to the south of you "Where ya going?" You stop and turn looking at him "This is my home, sun is about to set in 30 minutes." He nods following you to fire escape, you climb up to the top floor and climb through the window.

Daryl looked around the big room, you had a sleeping bag and a pillow in the middle, other scavenged goods sat around the room along with candles "What bout walkers?" You walk over to the front door and unlock it "Come here idiot." He stares at you before walking over.

You open the door and show him the broken stairs "A herd of walkers tried to get up here but they broke through the stairs, I tore the last set out but they lead to the roof. There's no walkers on the roof." He nods as you close the door and lock the door "You can stay here for the night." You walk over and sit on your sleeping bag going through what you were able to get today.

Daryl sat next to you "Why do ya stay out here a lone?" You shrug "I was with my sister but she didn't make it." You respond "Sorry." You roll your eyes "Don't be, sleep wherever you want here." You lay back on your pillow and stare at the ceiling.

"Come back to ta prison with me." You look over at him "No, I am good on my own." He sighs "Whatever." He lays back on the ground next to you "Don't be a prick, I'm letting you staying here for the night." You whisper he looks over at you without saying a word.

Daryl woke in the middle of the night and you were gone "Goddammit." He grunts grabbing his bow and climbing out of the window, he looked up and saw your legs hanging over the edge of the building "What're ya doing up here?" You over at Daryl and shrug.

"My sister loved looking at the stars, and I don't really get much sleep anymore." He sits next to you and looks up at the sky "I used to look at them every night." Daryl admits quietly "I don't believe that, you don't seem like a star guy." He looks at you with a small smile "Ya don't really know me." You shrug.

"A cross-bow, a leather vest and a rough voice? I say that doesn't show you as a star guy. But I guess you can't judge a book by its cover." He nods his head and you look back up at the stars "Why are you out here alone?" You ask "A run for supplies." He answers "I'll go back with you, but if I don't like it I leave." He looks at you nods.

"But I still say I only saved you I didn't invite you to hold my hand." He scoffs "I ain't holding ya hand, this is holding ya hand sunshine." He reached over and laced his fingers with yours before raising the interlocked hands to show you him holding your hand.

"You know what I mean." He left his hand in yours noticing how you didn't pull your hand away from his "You'll be my responsibility when we get to the prison, don't make me look stupid." Daryl mutters.

"You look stupid all on your own." He looks over at you and you show him a kind smile letting him know you were kidding "Thanks for saving Daryl." You leaned over kissing his cheek and he looks over at you sheepishly "Ya welcome, sunshine." He looks back up at the stars with you.

i realized imma just write about whoever the hell i wanna , i hope y'all enjoy .
xoxo druggbaby

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