Daryl Dixon → Missing

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Word Count: 1149

Warnings: fuckk nah

Prompt: Daryl can't seem to find you.


You sat in the passenger seat as Daryl drove "Are we almost there?" Daryl looked over at you and you could see the hint of annoyance in his eyes "Girl, you just asked me that a minute ago." You giggled and sighed.

"We're 30 minutes out." Daryl looked back at the road and you could see the smirk playing on his face, ever since you and Daryl met you've been inseparable, you were like best friends from childhood except you didn't know him during your childhood.

"Do you have the list?" He froze for a second "Shit." He mutters "You're lucky I'm around because I have it." You pulled out the list from your back pocket and he nodded.

A few minutes passed by and he stopped in front of a shopping mall "C'mon." He grabbed the bags and got out of the car, you stepped out of the car and looked at him "This time don't trip me." He smirked "I didn't trip ya last time, sunshine." He leads you up to the door and knocks a couple times waiting for walkers.

Daryl opens the door after no walkers come out and head inside with you behind him, you both cleared a couple stores inside the huge mall "Stay on this level, but let's clear more rooms separately." You look at Daryl and nod before going to another store by yourself.

One thing Daryl did know for sure about you is that you could handle your own shit, and you could fight your own battles. But here and there he would step in your way to defend you.

You heard a loud clash and ran out of the store you were in to see a dozen or more walkers going after Daryl "Get outta here! Go!" Daryl yelled out towards you "No! Hey ugly ass piece of dead thing!" You yelled out catching the attention of some walkers.

You fought them off before stabbing them in the heads "Go, I got this. I'll be out there in a few." Daryl went ahead and gave you a little nudge and you listened to him taking what you have scavenged out to the car.

Daryl stayed inside and fought off all of the walkers he could before running outside "Y/n?" He looked around and you were nowhere to be seen "Y/n?" He said your name again but nothing.

He got in the car and started driving around looking for you. "Shit." He muttered as the car stopped moving because it was out of gas, he left the car and started walking back towards camp, it was going to be dark soon and he needed more people out here looking for you.

He locked the car before taking the car keys and continuing his walk to camp.


You jolted up and grabbed your head, the rock next to you had blood on it from where you had hit your head after tripping. Walkers were swarming the car so you had led them to the nearby woods, but as you were running you had managed to slip away from them but you fell and hit your head knocking you out.

You slowly stood up and brushed yourself off, you looked around and saw that it was dark now "Son of a bitch." You muttered before trudging along to find your way back to the road, surely Daryl left by now he probably thought you were dead.

You found the road and sighed, you didn't know which way you needed to go in order to get home. Your only choices were left or right, you looked up at the sky and couldn't see a star one in the sky, you closed your eyes and listened to your gut which told you to go left. You started walking down the road in the direction of left hoping you were right.

You heard some walkers walking behind you and decided to leave them, you didn't turn around and kill them because you knew you weren't at your strongest and you needed all of the strength you had now to make it back home. You saw a car parked on the side of the road and decided you would camp there tonight.

You jacked open the car door and climbed in before closing it and laying down, for sure you could make it out of there in the morning. You fell asleep listening to the walkers want in the car so they could feast on your flesh.

"Move ta hell outta my way!" You awoke to Daryl's voice believing you were just dreaming that you heard it, you slowly sat up and rubbed the sleep out of your eyes.

You jumped and quickly held your knife at the throat of the person who opened the car door "Daryl?" He looked at you and you swear you saw the weight on his shoulders immediately lift off.

He pulled you out of the car and engulfed you into a bear hug, you saw the dead walkers laying on the ground around the car as you hugged the gruff red neck "You're okay?" He pulled away after what felt like hours and examined you "Yes I'm fine." He grabbed your chin and scoped out your head wound.

"What happened?" You pushed his hand away "I'm okay, I just fell and hit my head." You looked over and saw Glenn and Michonne standing a few feet away.

"We came to help Daryl find you, are you okay?" You nod "Thanks, can we get home though?" Daryl nods and hands you his cross bow "Why?" He turns around and holds his arms out "C'mon!" You slide his cross bow on your back and hop onto Daryl's back allowing him to carry you "Michonne can I get a piggy back ride?" Glenn teases.

Michonne laughs and looks at him "You're too heavy for me." Michonne jokes, Daryl carried you back to where they parked the vehicles, Daryl obviously driving his bike.

"Thanks Daryl." He looks at you as Michonne and Glenn get into their vehicle "I was worried bout ya, I'm glad ya alright." You looked at Daryl and nodded "It will take a lot more to drag me down then just a little cut." Daryl smirked and nodded.

He hugged you once again before he took in a deep breath and he pulled his face back looked at yours "You okay?" You asked gently he nodded his head and then that's when you felt it, his chapped lips met your soft ones.

"Get it Daryl!" Glenn called out the window, Daryl didn't budge from your lips all he did was raise his hand and flip Glenn off.

ee i hope y'all enjoy , y'all notice any mistakes point em out will ya ? thanks home slices
xoxo druggbaby

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