Daryl Dixon -- Found

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Word Count: 662

Warnings: hope ya like ¿

Prompt: Requested by the darling barelystraight

I love your profile pic btws


"Go! Run!" Daryl yelled towards you as the battle for your camp at Hershel's began. You were wounded from a previous fight with a walker in which you hand fallen into a knife and sliced up your shoulder pretty badly.

Your feet had carried you as fast as they could as you grabbed a gun and decided to stick around and fight as you started shooting people- careless of if it hurt because you were the best shot around.

"Fuck!" You hissed out as you grabbed your shoulder and realized you weren't good to be fighting right now.

You turned and took off as your legs started to burn, your heat beat increasing, your lungs burning from breathing so fast and the pit in your stomach starting to ache from running so much. You had no one by your side except the gun tethered around your neck by it's strap.

You stopped running after what felt like years of running and found yourself in an fortress of trees all alone "Shit." You muttered as you raked your fingers through your hair feeling the blood and pain run down your back as you felt awful.

Time to survive Y/n.

You were out there on your own for months, you walked around and fought for food against the dead. You even lost your shoes to a walker- but that's okay you knew your ancestors had ran around barefoot before shoes so you could do it too. You slept in an abandoned boujee hotel when you could catch a wink of sleep.

You walked around for days sometimes feeling a sense of heartache at the loss of your old friends like Rick, Carl, Michonne, Maggie; Daryl Dixon for sure.

"Hey?!" You stopped as your heart fluttered at the sound of that accent.

You turned around in disbelief and looked into the bright green eyes of the one and only Maggie Greene "Y/n?" She questions shocked "Glenn!" She calls out as she walks towards you happily.

"Son of bitch!" Glenn got excited as he saw you hugging the love of his life and he ran over wrapping you both in a tight hug "The others will be glad to you!" Maggie tells you "The others?" To you you're voice sounded foreign since you haven't spoke in forever "We have a new camp. At a prison." Glenn answers.

"Come on. You have ripped clothes and no shoes." Maggie led you back to a truck and you got in as they drove you towards their new camp. You were excited to see the others especially your best friend Daryl Dixon.

"Guys! Get out here! We got a surprise!" Glenn hollars out as you step out of the truck and everyone looks at the distraught and rugged up Y/n that looked nothing like their original Y/n.

"Yes!" Carl ran towards you and hugs you tightly and you got a small smile as you hugged him back and that's when you looked up and saw him.

Daryl stood there and didn't believe that you were standing there. No. He had to be dreaming, you were lost forever. Daryl started walking towards you before he hugged you tightly as Carl let go of you.

"Dad, are they going to kiss now?" Rick laughs at Carl's question "Son, they're best friends." Rick explains "No way they love each other it's obvious." Carl nods as his bright blue eyes look up at his dad.

"Damn right I love her!" Daryl pulled away and you looked at him curiously and that's when he swooped in and kissed you gently for the first.

"Get it, Dixon!" Glenn cheers as everyone claps and smile at the fact that the rough redneck has finally found someone he can let in "I look disgusting, no." You whisper looking up at Daryl and he smirks.

"You look beautiful to me."


Daryl Dixon One Shots/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now