Daryl Dixon → Hold Me

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Word Count: 1022

Warnings: Death mentioned.

Prompt: At least when you fell for him, another man caught you.


You knew what tomorrow would carry, it's only been about 2 months since the gang- as your younger brother Harley called you guys- had moved into the prison "Y/n! Wake yo ass up!" You looked at your 17 year old brother and punched his arm.

"Ow! Daryl she punched me in the arm!" Daryl looked at you and smiled "Ya asked for it bud." Daryl walked over and you stood up "And stop talking like your ghetto." You ruffled Harley's hair and he sighed.

"Didn't you guys grow up in the ghetto?" Glenn asked kindly, you knew he wasn't trying to be offensive "Yeah we were, and this little dude still tryin to live in those days." Harley beamed wide "You know what was up then." You looked at him and he sighed.

"Sorry, sorry. Anyway I'm going to help Carl with the crops, later gator." Harley took off and you smiled "I don't wanna take him out there tomorrow." You admitted to the two men listening "He'll be safe, I promise." Glenn assures you before going off to find Maggie.

"See 'round Dixon." Daryl looks at you and smirks "Later sunshine." He watches you walk off before he starts sharpening his knives.


"Wake up sista!" You swatted at Harley and sat up in your bed "I told him not to Y/n." Beth smiles your way as she walks by "Come on we're heading out in a few." You got up and got ready before heading outside.

"This going to be a clean run, stick with us and stay in front of me." Glenn tells Harley who nods, but you knew your brother better he wouldn't listen, his ego would get in the way.

You headed out in a car with Daryl, Harley and Glenn "Here we are. C'mon y'all." Daryl steps out of the car and you follow suit with Harley and Glenn. You head inside a outlet store building and start a sweep "Y/n, let's go off." Harley pulled on your arm and you looked at him "No we can't." You warn him "What afraid your boyfriend will be disappointed?" Harley questions.

"Boyfriend?" Daryl asks rounding the corner of a shelf "He's being an ass, sorry." Daryl shakes his head "It's alright sunshine, let's finish this store up." You each grab whatever you find to useful and head out of the store.

"Get down!" You each fall to the ground at the sound of random gun fire "What ta hell?" Daryl snaps as he looks around "You okay?" You ask Harley who nods "I'm shot!" Glenn held his shoulder and you made your way over to him checking his shoulder out.

"There's an exit wound, we get somewhere safe we can patch it up." You nod "Let's go." Daryl helps Harley up as you help Glenn and you guys make it break for it only to hear more random gun fire.

"Y/n!" You turned around as you heard more gun fire and your heart sank.

You cried out as your knees fell weak, your body flew down to the ground as a crying heap only for him to swing in and catch you "Daryl, no, no." You managed out as you sat on the ground feeling more than lifeless.

"No, no, no!" You cried out "Come on we gotta go." You shook your head violently as you cried hard, your body felt like it was suffocating as the pain in your heart and lungs burned like a heavy fire "I can't!" You cried again your body aching with pain.

He pulled himself to his feet and picked you up bridal style as Glenn held onto his shoulders "Harley- this can't be happening!" You cried into his shoulder as you spotted walkers coming in "No!" You screamed grabbing your gun and hopping out of his arms.

"Help me!" You snapped as you shot off rounds into the heads of the walkers "I'll find a car." Glenn nods running off to find a car as you protect his body.

"Are you okay?" You nod and shoot off more rounds into walkers "We have to get him home, that's where he belongs." You felt more tears slip down your cheeks as Glenn pulls up with a car.

"Dude, he's heavier than what he looks." Glenn comments "I'll drive you comfort her." Glenn instructs.

You get in the back seat and lay his head in your lap he looked so peaceful, you brushed some of his hair out his face and smiled down at him as the tears rolled down your cheeks "My sweet baby brother." You choked up on your words as Daryl put his arm around your shoulders and let you lay your head on his shoulders.

He pressed a kiss to the top of your head "It's gonna be okay." Daryl whispered "This can't be real, Daryl." You looked up at him with tears in your eyes and his heart broke.

Once you got back home Daryl helped you dig Harley's grave "He's in a better place, remember that. You were the best big sister." Rick hugs you tightly before letting you go.

"C'mon, ya going to bed." Daryl takes you back inside to your cell "Don't leave, please." You looked up at him and he nods "I'll sleep on the floor." He goes to move around something's on the floor to make a make shift bed and you stop him.

"There's room for two on the bed." You whisper laying down on the bed facing the wall, Daryl lays down next to you making sure not to touch you.

"Stick around for a while, please." You rolled over facing him and put your arm around him laying your head on his chest "Cause I don't wanna lose another guy I love." Daryl got a small smile and put his arm around you "I won't leave ya, sunshine. I love you too." Daryl kissed your head as you dozed off next to him.

i hope y'all like
xoxo druggbaby

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