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After my shower, I threw some sweats on and went down for dinner I took my seat at the table next to August. 

"So are you happy to start school on Monday?" my mom asked me, her soft rich brown hair pulled into a ponytail.  

"I guess so," I answered, giving her a shrug, I had no idea how to feel. Starting a new school so quickly and fast. 

"Just don't go making trouble this year figlia," papa said and I rolled my eyes, 


"well they cant make trouble with me," I said while picking up my water and drinking it 

"so how Bussines been," I asked them 

"it been good same old," my father said and I nodded 

we finish eating dinner and went into the living room to watch a movie 

"RHYSAND AND GRAYSON WHAT THE HELL ANOTHER BROKEN TV," my mom yelled from the living room while we were getting snacks and rhys and gray drained of color and looked like they were gonna shit their pants 

"This is the third tv you guys broke how many times have I told you not to throw knives around the house," my mom said while speed walking toward them with her flipflop in her hand, and kai and I were trying to hold out laughter 

the boys ran up and she threw both her chancletas at the back of their heads and kai and I bust out laughing 

"ow mama that hurt," gray said as he rubbed his head and she grabbed him and rhys by their ear and dragged them to the couch 

"mama we are sorry,"rhys said while pouting and giving mam his puppy eyes that sucker he a mamas boy so it will always work 

"esta es la última vez que esto sucederá si descubro que rompes algo en esta casa haré que tu vida sea un infierno" she said in a stern voice that shut us all up

(this is the last time this will happen if iI find out you break anything in this house I will make your lives life living hell) 

"were sorry mama," they both said and I slipped out of the room before she turned her attention to me I went to go find august I went outside to where he was sitting in our spot near the fireplace 

"were sorry mama," they both said and I slipped out of the room before she turned her attention to me I went to go find august I went outside to where he was sitting in our spot near the fireplace 

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"hey," I said as I sat next to him 

"hey," he said and looked into the fire and I looked up at the night sky that was filled with stars

"how you been," I asked him me and august always been close I mean we are twins but I know him and understand him that most of our family don't I can tell something bothering him 

"well between the nightmares and the not sleeping I say I been the same when you left," he said  

"I have them too sometimes," I said while still looking at the sky 

"do you think they're ever gonna go away," he asked me and looked at him 

"maybe I hope they do," I said and dropped my head on his shoulder 

"so tell me about our school what should I know," I asked him and he sighed 

"it isn't a bad school they just have a taste for the drama they have some type of sight where they spill information about the school and the kids there," he said and I rolled my eyes 

"so basically gossip girl that stupid," I said and he laughed and pulled out his phone  and opened Twitter and handed me his phone the Twitter account was called hallow high gossip which was the name of the new school im going to hallow academy high

"august de Luca was spotted with another girl at the cafe downtown," I read the post and he took his phone out of my hand 

"hey I was reading that it seems like you're being a what do you call it again oh a whore," I said 

"shut up there just for fun but try not to cause too much attention when you come on Monday I already know you're gonna be trending and I don't have the time to beat every horny boy up because they want to get in my sister pants," he said and I rolled my eyes 

"they wouldn't even have a chance," I said 

"so about what happens in Cali," he started to say but I cut him off 

"I don't want to talk about that," I said and he gave me a stern look 

"Cora you never told anyone what shaped did you," he asked me I didn't I'm lying to everyone but I don't want to bring that up 

"you know what happed I told you guys already so let's move on I'm back home after so long let me start fresh," I said and he looked at me for a bit and then sighed 

"fine," he said not pushing it and I was happy he didn't 

"have you been eating right," he asked me 

"yup three meals a day," I said and he nodded 

"good I don't ever want to find you like that again," he said and I nodded I don't want to see myself like that either it hurt and I don't ever want to go through that again but he like a bad habit I can't get rid off sometimes and I never want to put my family through that again 

we talked some more and catch up with each other it was starting to get cold so we went inside and went to bed when I got into my room I pulled a book out for me to read and before I laid down I brush my teeth and wash my face and went to read 

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