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we arrived at his house a couple of minutes ago and he ordered us some food it around eleven and I was laid out on his couch looking through his tv for something to watch

"The food should be here soon," he said sneaking up behind me "well did you get my milkshake," I asked him and he nodded

"okay well im going to shower until it gets here I will be back," I said getting up and he pulled me by my waist and sat me back down

"care for me to join you," he said and I rolled my eyes "not today big guy," I said while getting out his grip and heading upstairs

I grabbed my underwear and shorts and I took one of his shirts since I rather wear his they are really comfortable I even find myself wearing his sweatshirt I have around my house I just like the smell of him

I took a shower and when I was finished I slipped on my clothes and threw my hair up in a messy bun

when I was done I headed downstairs I saw caiden walking from the front door with our food and drink in his hands

I watched his eyes as they dragged up my body shivered just at his sight he was looking at me like he was hungry and I was to

he broke out his trance and gave me a smirk and I rolled my eyes and push my body towards him and took my milkshake out of his hand

"thank you, kind sir," I said while jumping on the couch and he followed me

"so what are we watching," I asked him and he pulled the food out of the bags "it doesn't matter," he said and I sighed and took a fries and the remote to look on Netflix

I put on supernatural and he better not complain it one of my favorites show we ate our food in since I could feel him staring at me the whole time

I paused the show and put our food on the table and turn towards him "what wrong," I asked him and he furred his beautiful eyebrows at me


"nothings wrong," he sighed while licking his lips which I was already looking at I quickly dragged my eyes back to his before he caught me which was already too late he pulled me into his lap and attacked my lips

his lips were brutal. he was suffocating and intoxicating, his hands traveled to the back of my neck as I ran my hands through his hair I moved my lips against his hard and tugging at his hair as he groaned in my mouth

he broke this kiss and trailed sloppy kisses down my neck along my jawline my eyes were shut tight as I realized the feeling of him biting leaving marks along my neck

my mind was consumed with lust and need and every part of my body wanted it to, he brought his lips back to mine having me completely blown away

I moved my hips and felt his erection against my thigh as I moved my hips more he let out a soft moan in the kiss I broke the kiss once again traveling with slow and sloppy kisses down his jaw down to his neck

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