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this can't be happening I watched his limp body fall to the floor I was screaming but it was silent I felt nothing but pain and fury I ran over to his body holding his wound applying pressure

"come on please dont do this to me I need you," I cried out holding onto him


"no we can't do that we could kill half our men," I ran my hands through my hair

let me catch you up to date we been sitting here for fifty minutes trying to come up with a good attack we have a plan already we just need to figure out who gonna follow through I offered to do it multiple time but in the end, they said no they didnt want to risk losing me

"I can do it," I looked at caiden as he spoke

"hell no, you could get hurt,"

"im gonna be fine im leading the first team that all just I will have your men watch my cover," caiden argue

"he right he just starting it," my father said and I sighed

"fine we wasted enough time let go," I said softly

we all headed to strap up I really want this plan to go right in short words were basically gonna distract them kill a lot of people and get my family out yes it seems like a simple plan but really it takes so much more they have more men and there working with some unknown person and the main point is to get my family home and safe.

if this all goes straight we have to leave the city so we're going to Italy after, I put my hair into two braids and headed downstairs to leave with everyone else I spot my father waiting at the door I attempt to walk past him but he grabbed my arm

"che importa Principessa," I look up at him

(what the matter princess)

"qualunque cosa la nostra famiglia è stata presa e siamo stati attaccati più volte e non hai detto una parola mi fa solo pensare che cosa diavolo mi stai nascondendo"

(what not the matter our family was taken and we were attacked multiple times and you didnt say a word it just makes me think what the hell else is you keeping from me)

"cosa diavolo significa cora ascolta tutto quello che faccio è che questa famiglia ti protegga," he raised his voice just a bit before taken a deep bretha

(what the hell does that mean cora listen everything I do is for this family to protect you)

"were you protecting this family when you helped caiden mother fake her death," I asked


"your heard me was you papa how is keeping things from us keeping us safe and look how that turned out if anything happens to my mom or my twin I will never forgive you," it broke my heat saying that I knew I didnt mean it I regretted the moment it left my mouth

I watched his eyes fill with sadness along with tears filling in my eyes he pulled me into a hug kissing the top of my head making me cry a little

"Mi dispiace, papà, non volevo dire che sono solo ... spaventato," i cried into his chest im just scared i dont know what gonna happen and it terrofieds me

(im sorry, papa I didn't mean that I'm just... scared)

"it okay I understand and if anything happened to them I won't live with myself either... I love you cora dont forget that okay," he kissed my head rubbing my back softly

I pulled away from him and he wiped my tears it brought the image of him whipping my tears when I was a kid every time august would push me or when august pushed me off the balcony and I broke my leg I was only 10 at the time, august got the worst beaten by mama and papa was wiping my tears.



everyone was just outside of the base uncle alexander was looking through the binoculars watching the Kotov men stand outside.

"I count seven," he sighed you could tell he was under stress it was bringing back memories of when aurora first was taken

"actually there eight you missed the one in the bush," Lorenzo said as he checked his bullets

"your both wrong there ten do you actually think the people in the car down the street are just neighbors," Cordelia sighed she was possible under the most stress between she has people looking at her trying to figure out how sill she pull this off and er family is in danger

they all pulled out of the van and their men followed they separated into three groups caiden leading the first along with cora uncle alexander and cora with the second group with her father Lorenzo the third group was lead by cora uncle Luca and her uncle Nate.

caiden took down the men at the gate before they saw them they each took down all the men making sure they dont trigger any alarms just as caiden got to the first door he threw in the smoke bomb and cut the power placing the night vision goggles and bullets went flying

cora took as many as she could down until she ran out of bullets before she could reload men came running towards her punching her in her stomach she was ready to attack them back until they both fell to the floor cora look up to her father as he gave her a sheepish smile

as caiden team handles the men upstairs cora and her father went downstairs where they could be keeping the family

"the traitor said they had more men you think they knew we were coming now," cora whispered to her father

"it possible but they wouldn't expect us to attack the same night they were taken," her father said as he checked her cover

she slightly remembers that there was a room here the same room that her old friend was killed in she was avoiding going down there but it seems to her, that was the only decision, she motions her father to follow her as he was telling the other men to come down to where they were heading.

she inhaled just before kicking in the door she came face to face with Lizzie Kotov looking around the room she saw her mother and her brother and cousin tied to the chair

"About fucking time," august grunted out as he pulled against the ropes on the chair.

Cordelia drag her eyes to Lizzie as she smirked down at her meanwhile her father was looking at his wife she was tied to the chair she gave him that big smile even in the toughest moments she still figure out a way to smile

"you okay darling," Lorenzo asked his wife  she gave him a nod back

"dont worry brother I would let anything happened to her... yet,"

Lorenzo looked at the person who owned that voice and his eyes widen

"did you miss me enzo," a smirk on his scarface

"Elijah," Lorenzo sneered out looking at his half-brother the hatred from years before filling up in him once again.


okay one im sorry I was gone for a while I was depressed like deadass and I was being so lazy and I had writer's block I could not think of anything to save my life

im sorry if this chapter trash I rushed it a little bit if you read my first book you will know what happened kinda but if not I will be happy to remind yall in the comments

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