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I was at my locker putting my stuff away it was my free period so I don't have anything to do so I might just go home I closed my locked and jumped when I say esmeray standing right next to my locker

"um are you trying to murder me," I said while holding my chest

"no sorry um but girl your treading," she said while pulling out her phone

"I didn't post anything new nor did I do any modeling stuff so what am I'm reading about," I asked her and we walked down the halls

"hallow gossip has a whole article about you already," she said and handed me her phone

-if you guys didn't notice the beautiful new girl walking down hallow halls I know your all wondering who she is well she is Cordelia de Luca she the twin sister of the love of our lives august

she went to school in California and now attend here I wonder why she left she only been here for a couple of hours and everyone is obsessed with her

well, Cordelia welcome to hallow academy-

they even had pictures of me getting out of the SUV this morning that not creepy at all I handed esmeray her phone and rolled my eyes

"do anybody actually know who this person is," I asked her as we walked out of the school

"nope but I think that the fun part-oh hey let me get your number," she said and I smiled at her and gave her my number and she texted me so I can add her contact in

I saw our driver waiting and I hopped in the car and we waited for my brothers to come once they did we drove home

as soon as we stepped into the house I took of my heels and went straight to my room I stripped out my clothes and took a shower thank god I threw on a tank top without a bra and some black Nike shorts

I went downstairs to make myself something to eat I just made a sandwich and potato chips and a pudding cup and some juice I took my food back upstairs and watched some Netflix as I was eating and trying to watch tv my head was coupled with the thought of the boy from today I wanted to know more about him but he is an asshole so it best if I try to get him out my mind

I ended up falling to sleep since I couldn't clear my mind I woke up to someone knocking on my door I got up and opened my door and saw it was rhys

"hey did I wake you," he asked me

"yea you can come in," I said and open my bedroom door wider he walked in and jumped on my couch

"so what up," I said as I sat on the couch next to him

"mom and dad are having friends over tonight for dinner," he said

"ugh that means I have to get ready," I said while getting up and he laughed

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