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"Can you zip me up," I asked caiden it was around five and we wear getting ready for dinner if I have to say I was nervous caiden is nervous too as well I can see him trying to suppress his anger

caiden was wearing a black short-sleeve shirt with black pants and of course black shoes he has an obsession with black if you couldn't tell I start to have a habit of wanting to match him so I was wearing a black long sleeve bodysuit with red bottom heels

"what do you think we're gonna talk about," he asked me trailing his hands up my back "um I dont know probably the elephant on the room," I stated the obvious

"no shit cora," he sighed out I turn around and laid my head on his chest as he wrapped his hands around me "it gonna be okay im gonna be by your side the whole time," I told him I feel like he needed it

"I know it still pisses me off,"

"I know but please best behavior there will be children there," I remind him even though I still know he gonna piss someone off tonight

dealing with caiden anger is like dealing with my father and brothers their anger is a whole different level so I have to tame them half the time

I went to do my hair and makeup and finishing touches before we left out, we were in the car now driving there I felt him getting more tensed the closer we got to the house

we arrived at the house no and sat in the car I had to drag him out of the car just to stand infornt of the door "you owe me a good night after this," he sighed out

"I will give you three good nights if you behave," I said while shrugging his shoulder making him smirk I leaned up to him "and if your extra good I might even give you something else," I whispered in his ear making him shudder

"I can't promise that darling but I will figure something out,"  he smirked I love him

I knocked at the door and put his hand in my squeezing it tight the door opened and we came in contact with Clarissa and Scott

"you guys made it come on it," Scott said I could see the pain look in Clarissa's eyes as she looked at caiden, he had his cold look in his eyes

we walked in, their house was pretty large it was beautiful inside there were pictures of their kids all over caiden stopped and looked at one of them we should have never come, my heart hurt looking at this pain look in his eyes

we walked into the living and took a seat on the couch as they sat across from us

"um dinner will be ready soon I hope you like chicken or if you dont we can order or make something else," Clarissa mumbled out her face beat red I can tell she was nervous

"no, that fine we will eat it," I said I guess I should do most of the small talk since I dont think we're getting anything out of caiden

I heard small footsteps run down the steps and those two kids ran into the living room full of excitement "cora your here with caiden," ares yelled out running over to us

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