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Cordelia pov

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Cordelia pov

Pulling my limp body from the floor I sat on the bed. He left and he didn't even look back what did I do to deserve this. right, I was only falling in love. it all my fault everything is always my fault.

A scream from outside the door made me jump, I rushed over to the door a little too fast causing pain in my lower stomach. Ignoring it i went to see where the scream was coming from. My heart beating against my chest faster and faster my family in a circle around a door. I pushed through the circle.

My father was holding my mother back. She was screaming why what, happened? "he was gone my baby gone," My mother wailed her screams echoing through the hospital and hitting my broken heart to the core.

I didn't even know what happened. "what going on what wrong," I rushed out. My mother looked up at me through her wet lashes and moved out of my father's grip and pulled me into a hug.

she whispered the same things over and over. 'august dead, he gone,' And I didn't want to believe it.

"you're lying," I pushed away from her. "Don't lie to me," I sneered out. He cant leave me, Not yet it isn't his time we still need time.

"Cora she not lying," My father spoke I shook my head. My hands were shaky my heart hurt so bad.

"No please be lying, please daddy I don't want to feel like this so lie to me please," I begged I could see the pain in his eyes. He pulled me into his arms clinging onto me holding me. "I'm sorry, August dead, and he not coming back," He whispered the words hurting him as he drew each line.

I cried into his chest and he didn't complain. I feel empty like my heart was ripped out of me. Im so used to turn off my emotions. And this one time I let them on he broke me and left me when I needed him the most. The person who was always by my side, life slipped out of my hands and I didn't get to say goodbye to either of them.

August was a part of me and caiden was all of me. Now I don't have either.

Im broken.

third-person pov.

Cordelia's mom aurora walked into her husband's office. Its been weeks since the loss of their oldest son August and it took effect on their family all over. Losing a child wasn't easy for Aurora or Lorenzo but they managed.

"you have to do something," Aurora said as she burst into the office she knew her husband was in the middle of a meeting but that didn't matter to her.

"Im busy dear," Lorenzo held his hand up and she scoffed "leave now," Aurora glared at the two men they nodded the head and rushed out the room. Lorenzo dropped his one and sighed.

"What wrong? " he asked her. She rolled her eyes and put her hand on her hips.

"our daughter is up in her room crying her eyes out because of you," Aurora exclaimed as she took a seat in the chair in front of him.

"she gonna be fine," Lorenzo mumbled even though he knew she wasn't he was scared that Cordelia might fall down a deep hole.

"wow she lost her brother and the love of her life and you say she gonna be fine like caught a command cold seriously! " Aurora fussed throwing her arms in the air.

"Im not saying that. it enough with everything going on She needs to be strong," Lorenzo replied making her scoff Auroura stood from the seat and walk towards the door But she spoke again before she left.

"if something happens to our daughter I'm blaming you. You need to get your shit together your acting more like your father than my husband," Aurora sneered walking away leaving Lorenzo to think.

He knew she was right but things had to be done. even it involves hurting his child.

Meanwhile on the Other side of the world in A warehouse just off the water in Italy.

"you're late," Caiden spoke looking at his new partner he would be working with within the time being.

"I'm a busy women people to kill things to do," She spoke grinning at him. " I do have to say wouldn't think you would work with me," She spoke again.

"don't get too ahead of yourself Bella we all have our reasons to do things, but betray me and I will kill you," caiden spoke his nerves getting the best of him.

"I should be saying that caiden although my question is how did dear old Cora let you out of sight," she snickered just the mention of her name of her tongue making his blood boil.

"Watch your tongue i wont be too afraid to slice it off bella and leave it in a ditch," caiden spoke he walked towards the exit but stopped in his tracks when Bella spoke again.

"don't worry caiden Im sure we're gonna be the best partners," Bella smirked.

Caiden had to fight the urge not to slit her throat. He had to remember this was all for her and he would do anything for her even if it meant hurting her.


Anyways that happen um don't hate me. sorry, this was kinda short Also, I have another story out go read it, please.

I will see you guys next Monday.

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