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im like a fucking creep im sitting here watching her sleep like a fucking weirdo nut she looks so beautiful her mouth was slightly open and small snores filled the room she woke up out of her sleep drenched in sweat a couple of hours ago

I know she has these bad dreams and I want her to tell me about them but when she ready it was around eleven in the morning and I got out of bed and went to make some breakfast

I made some bacon sausages and waffles and eggs and I squeezed some orange juice I put it on a tray and walked back to my room and she was spread out all over my bed I moved the hair that was all over her face

I watch as her eyes flutter open from the sun being in her face and she moved her hands over im guessing looking for me she sat up quickly and looked around why rubbing her eyes

"Good morning," I said and her eyes locked with mine and she gave me a huge smile show just woke up and still looked beautiful

"Good morning," she said and I walked over to her and placed the food tray on the bed "I made us breakfast," I said and she clapped her hands

"thank you," she and then she dug in I watched her as she tasted it I have never been nervous for someone to taste my food actually I never had anyone taste my food

she took a bite of the waffle and moaned

it eleven in the morning and my dick just got hard just from her tasting my food stop, please.

I cleared my throat  "um how does it taste," I asked her "oh my god this is so good you know if being a billionaire dont work out you can always open a restaurant," she replied

I have seven restaurants around the world and each serves a dish of something I made I guess it going well I serve people around the world but never had some I care about to enjoy a meal with me

we ate our breakfast and when we were done I took the dished downstairs and when I came back cora was on the phone

"yes mother I know I just woke up so I haven't taken it yet okay yes I love you too tell papa I said I love him okay bye," she said and hung up the phone she got out of bed my shirt that she had on dropping down to her knees she grabbed her bag and pulled out some medication

"what are you taken," I asked her and she turns around to me "oh you know crazy people pills," she said popping one in her mouth and grabbing water drowning it down

"so what is the plan for today," she asked me I was hoping I can just have her sitting on my face but I guess I should think of something we can do

I was about to reply but then I heard the doorbell ring I sighed and dropped my head "I can get it," she said and I shook my head

"I got it, love," I said and kissed her head and went to go get the fucking door

I fucking hate people im not a people person so who the fuck is at my house I barely have friends

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