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I was pissed off and I need to calm down I blast music in the car and raced around new york city streets somehow since I can't kill people right now I had to calm down another way

I really wanna know what crawled up caiden ass and pissed him off today I didn't say a word to him for like four days and I asked him a small question and he called me annoying I'm not even fucking annoying he is, that dam pendejo

after I finally calmed down which was after like three hours so I drove back to school since it was over so I can pick up esmeray I stood by my car and waited for esmeray to come out I was on my phone until someone bumped into me and knocked my phone out my hand

"oh shit dude watch were your going you bumped into the pretty lady," I heard someone say I rolled my eyes and picked up my phone and turned to the people who bumped me it was a group of guys but I'm guessing the one who was closest to me bumped me

"Sorry sweetheart my friends and I were messing around," he said I looked him up and down he was cute but caiden was hotter

why the hell are you thinking of caiden you dumb hoe

"it fine really there was no damage done," I said while checking my phone and I had a huge crack on my screen

"but your phone is cracked is there something I could do to make it up to you," the boy asked me and I rolled my eyes

"dude she isn't interested and your way out of your league," his friends said

"your friends are right," I said, and he put his hands around his chest like he was having a heart attack

"ouch okay why don't you just tell me your name," he asked me

"mhm no but you can leave me alone," I said and he gave me a smirk

"okay playing hard to get well im luke if you wanted to know," he said holding his hand out but paused and looked behind me

"im sure she doesn't want to know you at all now leave," I heard caiden say from behind me and I sighed and turned around

"Seriously," I said while crossing my arms and glaring at him

"Why are you still standing there leave before I kick your ass," he spat at them and they sprit off

"what do you want," I asked him

"im sorry," he said and I paused did he just say sorry to me, or am im high

"wow why are you even talking to me I thought I was annoying," I said and he sighed

"can't you just take my apology dam it women," he said while running his hands through his hair

"say it nicely and I will think about it," I said and we both glared at each other

"fine Cordelia im sorry for calling you annoying I was pissed off at my dad and also at the fact.. im sorry okay now stop being ma at me women," he said and I stared at him

I was still pissed at him but he adorable how can I be mad at this fine of a man okay okay shut up hoe were gonna accept his attempt of an apology but he ain't gonna take his anger out on me just because he mad at his dad

"I accept but your not gonna take your anger out on me," I said and he smiled at me and nodded, and then esmeray came out

"hey did you calm down," she asked me

"yup I drove around for three hours I didn't even have to hurt anyone I will call that an improvement," I said while clapping my hands and she shook her head

"well we should get going see you," I asked while hopping in my car and esmeray got in

"bye," I said as I pulled out of the parking lot

"so did you forgive him rowan and I had to beat the sense into his head," esmeray said and I laughed

"um yea but im still kinda pissed just cause he got something goes on with his dad doesn't mean he can snap at me," I asked

"he said something was going on with his dad," she asked me and I gave her a weird side glance

"um yea didn't he told you guys that," I asked her

"mhm um yea," she said but she sounded unsure about it I wanted to push her on it but I left it alone

I put on some music and after about thirty minutes we ended up at my aunt Katherine hair salon we walked in and she spots me and gave e a big smile

"hey Cora and you must be esmeray," aunt kat said as she hugs me and then gave esmeray a hug which caught her by surprise

"Hi nice to meet you, Mrs. Romero," esmeray said and aunt jat waved her hand and laughed

"please call me Katherine or kat so what are we doing to your two lovely hairs today," she asked us

"cut it all off," I said and she gasped

"do you want your mother to kill me," she said and I laughed

"im kidding but I do want to cut it just a little and I want curtain bangs and some highlight to make it shiner and then finish it off with a 90s blowout," I said

"oh yes that would look so good plus your hair is so long," she said while touching my hair

"okay and for you what can I do you your hair," she said to esmeray

"layers and I defiantly want some highlights," esmeray said and aunt kat clapped her hands

"well let's get started on those pretty little heads," she said and husher us to the seats

she immediate got started on our hair we laughed and listen to music the whole time once we were finished we looked amazing esmeray hair was lighter and mines were shiner she only cut off a little and my hair still looked long as hell I can't even tell the difference if she did cut it but the blow out looked amazing

"thank you so much aunt kat I love it," I said while hugging her

"your so welcome you guys don't have to pay it on the house family special," she said and I smiled

"thank you kat I love it," esmeray said and kat gave her a hug when aunt kat wasn't looking I slipped money inside the cash register I know she said on the house but both our hair was like three hundred dollars and family or not im gonna pay

we said our goodbyes and then head on home I dropped esmeray off and then went home


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