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Cordelia pov

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Cordelia pov

we rushed into the hospital it was the closest one nearby my brother was shot in his chest along with my mom in all we all were fucked up pretty bad. I can't believe she was alive this whole time it makes me wanna kill her if she is not dead already the fire was strong there was a snipper gunshot fired into the house at the last minute from the aim they were pretty good they manage to hit August, mama, uncle Alex.

"miss please let us look at you your bleeding," one of the nurses said bring me out of my daze

"I'm fine," I mumbled getting lightheaded.

"you're bleeding on the floor," she said something else I couldn't focus my head was ringing the bright lights making it harder to keep my eyes open.

"I SAID IM FINE," I yelled she was pissing me off

"miss with all due respect your bleeding on the floor you look like you lost a lot of blood please let me look after you," I barely heard her words.

my eyes cast towards august on the gurney rushing past us the doctors were yelling about how much blood he was losing and something about a head injury I couldn't hear all the words because my vision filled and I fell onto the floor.


the bright hospital light shines down on my eyes making me wince.

"turn the light off," I mumbled I wasn't even sure if anyone was in the room. but either way, the light shut off I guess someone was here for me.

I open my eyes and looked around the room seeing caiden and my father and uncles were all in the room along with my mother but she was in a wheelchair.

"family reunion huh," I said sitting up but wincing as I sat up more caiden came over helping me, his rough hands on my lower back sending me shivers.

"Are you okay," caiden asked

"im fine," I mumbled avoiding the pain in my lower stomach making my mother chuckle

"stubborn child," she said and I rolled my eyes "I guess I get that from you," I replied making her smile.

"is everyone okay," I asked the mood around the room was down you can feel it.

"four of our places burnt down, sixteen of our men are injured and ten are dead and most of all Sebastian's love child is still running around and not to mention august," my father went on, and my breath hitch.

she alive good now I can kill her I guess it wouldn't be too bad if august and I drop our meds maybe we just need a little crazy to kill her and enjoy it, wait what about august

"What happened with august is he okay where is he," I rushed out sitting up faster than I attended to physical hunting myself at the progress.

"he still in surgery," caiden spoke softly.

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