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we all had so much fun this weekend and just like that it was simply over and we were back in school we were already at lunch and I left the guys so I can go to the bathroom

as I walked into the bathroom I noticed Lizzie Kotov and her little minions in the bathroom I rolled my eyes and washed my hands

"mhm look what we have here I would say it lovely to see you but it not," Lizzie said and her minions snickered

"Sorry I dont speak walking std," I said while looking at her and she rolled her eyes

"what if I keep talking to you are you gonna get mad hm," she asked me while walking closer to me

"really Cora tell me are you gonna do the same thing you did to Kendal to me," she said and I felt my blood boiling already she a fucking slut who has no idea what the fuck she talking about

"maybe I should but I had nothing to do with her," I said and she gave me a dry laugh and walked closer

are we about to kiss right now

"I know what really happening that night you're a murder but hey this isn't your first time but hey we all know you're the reason Bella dead," she whispered in my ear so her minions couldn't hear

I felt my blood boiling my head was starting to pound I grabbed her by her head and slammed her against the floor I started landed punches all on her face she grabbed my hair and scratch my face

I end up punching her in her face I couldn't stop all I saw was red just by this little bitch mention her names was all it did to tik me off her screams mixed with her minions screams filled the bathroom it wasn't long until I was being pulled off her

"CORA STOP CALM DOWN NOW," I heard someone yell all I wanted was that bitch dead and I didn't care

The next thing I know im being pinned to the wall

"get the fuck off me now," I spat out It came clear it was august, caiden, and hayes holding me down im getting deja vu like this shit happening before

"Cordelia calm fucking down," caiden yelled at me he grabbed my face making me look at him I stop fighting their restraints and felt my body slumped I felt exhausted now

I looked around the halls and saw my friends and brothers and cousin looking worried august and caiden grabbed my arms and help me out of the school they but me in the back of one of our SUVs

"give me the cuffs," august said to one of our men

"no I dont need them im fine," I said while shaking my head and august glared at me and put the cuffs on me

I kept zoning out through the whole ride knew I was having an episode but hey this is what happens when you dont take your med for three days since I kept zoning out I really these were some effect of not taking my mess just great

I didn't realize I fell asleep until I woke up in a bed I already know what room this was when mama and papa first noticed are issues it was simple things that would tik us off august was more extreme than mine he always had a very good way at hiding it, in reality, it just became his personalty

mines, on the other hand, was just completely rage and anger all my rage blocks everything and I just snap, and once I do it like im a completely different  person our therapist would say I have a personality disorder but I dont know my med is for bipolar disorder there mood stabilizers I had to get a new dose and I hate how I felt it made me feel like I was sad or some shit

when I was in Cali I never really took my meds but that one weekend without taking them I completely blacked out and dont really remember it but there a video and  would do what I have to do in mt power to keep it hidden I was born with blood on my hands but sometimes there certain blood on our hands that can't be brought up

I would sometimes have memories of that night it flashes but it clear I was responsible, I was bought out my thoughts when the door open and august walked in

"you're up, about time," he said and I smiled

"yup so how much damage did I do," I asked him and he pulled a chair up ans sat next to me

we were in our room after we had an episode or whatever we would come here to break things and do everything to let anger out it completely safe for us and everyone else mama and papa made sure of that

"well Lizzie isn't dead sadly mama and papa are talking with the Kotov family we managed to get rid of any video or evidence of your fight we dont  want you trending on Twitter again," he said and I rolled my eyes and he gave me a cup of water

"thank you for you know," I said and he nodded

"look cora you need to start taking your med again you need to start talking and stop pushing everyone away," august said and I scoffed and put the cup down

"wow your own to talk your always pushing people away and you never talk to anyone," I said it true august is more closed off than caiden

"I have other ways to cope but Cordelia im your brother you know im here whenever and for whatever," he said and I smiled he right he always here he never leaves we been with each other since birth were always apart and I could trust him always and forever

"I know and im thankful for that I just lost it ofay she bought up belle I dont even know how she fucking knows her," I spat out the last part and I noticed him tense up beside me

"you should have killed her then," august said and I laughed

"mhm we could always slice her body up and send the small pieces to her family," I said with a smile

"and then each piece we slice up he could crave into them," he said I looked at him and he had that crazy look in his eyes

"We could only dream unless...," I said with a smirk and he hit my shoulder we sat in silence after that nothing was said but we said so many things

"im so tired august when will it end noting works I feel hopeless constant nightmares it all my fault," I said in a low voice

"It isn't your fault it, their fault and we will make them pay I promise," he said and I nodded I might be the reason Bella dead but I never said who killed her


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