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I woke up and my bed was empty.

I'm not sure how she managed to get up. Knowing she left made me angry.

The bedroom door open, Cora walked in, her hair over her shoulder. She was wearing my shirt. I love it when she wears my shirt.

She climbs into the bed, straddling me. "Good morning," she smiles. Placing my hands on her hips.

"Good morning darling, how are you feeling?"  I asked her, she let out a deep sigh. She so beautiful.

"Between feeling really sore, and having the people I care about lie to me. I'm feeling fine." She says.

My chest aches, knowing I'm keeping secrets from her. But it almost over. Tonight it gonna be over.

This past months of being away from her, just to be able to make everything that gonna happened tonight. I hate lying to her, I had to do things I never though I would do.

"Everything will make since soon." I say, putting my hands on her face. She pouts her lip, making me want to bite it even more.

"You don't know how much I missed you." I say, I missed her so much being away from her I felt like I couldn't breathe.

Knowing she was I pain, and part of it is my fault. I hated myself. This last month has taught me how to value the thins. I love.

Cora looks into my eyes, putting her hands on each side of my face.

"I love you so much, so whatever your hiding from me I will forgive you for it." She says. And that makes me happy.

But she might have forgive me but will she forgive the people that cause her this pain.

We laid together till my phone ring. And I had to leave her. She stayed at my home. And before I left I kissed her deeply.

I will come back to you.

I pulled into the warehouse, men nod towards me as I walked past. I walk into the office seeing them all around the table.

"Your late." I look at at mr, de Luca. I let out a sigh.

"Something came up." I say staking a seat. He let out a frustrated sigh running his hands through his hair. "What exactly is more important than what we're about to do tonight?"

"She is more important than everything, and I wasn't gonna come here before I said goodbye." I says. He got the hint giving me a settle nod.

Everything I'm doing is for her even if I might die in the process. But if I die everything, i did this past month would just go to waste. And. She won't be happy.

"I understand." Mr. de Luca says. I nodded. Looking at the doors as they open.

"You know your sure are every where, for a dead man." I say looking at august he walks in.

The new scar on his eye. Fitting his careless expression.

"What can I say, things need to be done." August says, a smirk lingering on his lips.

He looks too much like Cora sometimes, I do forget they are twins.

We sit down talk about the plan. I been undercover working with Bella, figuring out her plans. Spend this month wit her made me noticed how stupid she is. But it the prime fact she had help.

We already notified the other mafia, about this help and have been keeping everything calm. Tonight is the night where the bitch will die.

Only problem is, she closing for Cora, and there will be blood shed.

"Are you sure, you can do this." August asks me, after the meeting.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that? You of all people know how she gonna act once she finds out." I replied, looking at my phone. Her sleeping figure as my wallpaper.

"It was for the best." August pats my shoulder. Was it really for the best?

The cool air wisp around me as I got out the car. It's happen now.

The attack on Bella. This is the night she plans on attacking Cora and fear strikes in my heart for that.

I walk into the warehouse. Somethings wrong.
I walked past the guards, keeping my gun on my hip.

"Caiden, about time your here." Bella pops up. I had so many chance to kill her and get it over with. But this is not my kill.

"You called?" I say, I got a call knowing she wants me here thirty minutes early before they were to leave.

"Yeah, let walk shall we." She says putting her arm hooked with mine. I bit back the urge to not bang her head into this floor.

"You know Caiden it been, wonderful working with you." She starts, we walk to the larger part of the room where everyone was.

I watched as they were surrounding something. "Yeah it sure has been jolly." I say.

We walked closer letting this crowd part. As we got deeper and I could see what they were surrounding my heart sinked.

"So I think you deserve an award." She says, I lock my eyes with her blue one, Cora is here. She not supposed to be here yet, this will fuck up the plan.

Everything will go to shit! This is not how it supposed to go!

She tied up to a chair, look way to calm for my liking. I never seen her this calm, I have a feeling a lot of people are about to die.

The de Lucas are supposed to be here soon I called them and told them to come in ten minutes. Maybe everything will go right.

"Why the fuck is she here?" I asked, my time was harsh, knowing dam well I was scared.

"You know why she's here." Bella says. Pulling out her knife, flipping it around her hand.

"I want you to kill her." She smiles, placing the knife in front of me.

This is all gonna go to shit!

Heyyy there is three more chapters left. :(

I see y'all tmr. ;)

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