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something is wrong today is Friday and this whole school week went by smoothly as in there were no gossip on Twitter no so call mean girls said anything to me everyone was acting normal and that weird

right now I was in art class and I was working on my painting of caiden and he wasn't in class today

"hey wheres caiden," I asked esmeray

"um I don't know ask rowan," she said and I stood up and walked over to rowan

"hey idiot were is your best friend," I asked him, and shoved me

"I don't know and I'm not an idiot you are I swear I hate you sometimes," he said and I messed up his hair

I already became super close to esmeray, rowan, and caiden I feel like I knew them since I was kids

"you love me," I said and he shook his head and I walked back to my seat and finish the painting I couldn't get the feeling like something was gonna happen, I asked the teacher if I could go to the bathroom

the hallways were dead silent I mean everyone was in class duh I went to the bathroom and did my business and washed my hands and walked out the bathroom and heard the announcer come on

"THIS ISNT A DRILL EVERYONE STAY IN YOUR CLASS WERE GOING ON LOCKDOWN," I heard the dean says and my fucking dumbass was standing in the middle of the hallway

I ran into the closes storage closest I could and I felt someone push me into the closet and I felled on the floor

"shit are you okay Cora," I heard someone say it was dark so I couldn't really see who it was the person turns on the light and I saw it was caiden I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding

"shit caiden you fucking scared me where did you even come from," I said and he helped me off the floor

" I was on my way to class and I saw you went into the bathroom and I waited for you but then the announcer came on," he said

"oh yea do you know what going on," I asked him and he leaned against the wall

"if I knew I would tell you," he said and I rolled my eyes

"don't have to be an ass about it," I said sat down on the floor I have a feeling we're gonna be here for a while

"So where were you," I asked him and he looked down at me

"I had a meeting I had to handle," he said and I nodded and we sat in silence for like ten minutes and it was making my skin crawl I really wish I had a book or something  and I left my phone in my bag which is in the classroom

"can you talk or something this since is making my skin crawl," I said and he sighed and sat down next to me

"I never got to finish my twenty-one questions," he said and I looked at him I was about to speak but we heard footsteps running down the halls and he covered my mouth

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