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I woke up drenched in sweat it around five in the morning and I was having that dream again I got up and grabbed the water bottle I left on my bedside table and gulped it down I couldn't go back to sleep plus it was Monday and I start school today.

I went to go take a shower to get all this sweat off me I think I was gonna wear I skirt today so I just shaved everywhere and wash my hair once I was done I brush my teeth and wash my face I walked out of the bathroom and sat on my bed still in my towel as I scrolled through my phone

after about half an hour of just sitting in my towel on my phone, I got up and started getting ready since it was getting close to seven today I was wearing a white long sleeve shirt and a pink skirt and my nude red bottom Christian Louboutin heels and some gold jewelry and I added my light pink channel bag

my whole outfit screams rich and boujee and I love it plus my school is boujee and rich I have to fit in somehow, I went to do my hair and makeup I did soft curls and soft nude makeup with a bold eyeliner wing I sprayed some Dior perfume and I loo...

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my whole outfit screams rich and boujee and I love it plus my school is boujee and rich I have to fit in somehow, I went to do my hair and makeup I did soft curls and soft nude makeup with a bold eyeliner wing I sprayed some Dior perfume and I looked at the clock and it was only six-fifty so I watched some Netflix and took pictures until I wanted to leave

after half an hour I went downstairs and got breakfast and the family was in the kitchen

"Good morning," I said as I walked into the kitchen

"moring honey you look so pretty thank god you got my taste in fashion," my mom said and I laughed my mom and I do have the same taste especially with our love with red bottom heels

"well we do have good taste in clothing in this family," I said as I took a seat and ate my breakfast we talked more, and then it was time for us to go to school I said my goodbyes and got into the SUV with my brothers

the school went up to grade eight to twelve so rhys and gray came to school with us after about a thirty-minute drive we pulled up in front of the school and the driver opened the door for us as I step out of the car I looked around it was a big school and all the students were out and they was all looking at us great that something I got used to they love to stare

we walked into the school and my brothers walked me to the office to get my schedule

"good morning de Luca boys what can I do for you," the older lady asked as we walked in

"good morning miss frank we just need to get our sister schedule," kai said with his boyish smile on his face

"oh you must be Cordelia de Luca it lovely to meet you we had news you were starting today let me get your papers you need," she said while looking around her desk grabbing papers

she handed me my papers and I thanked her and the boys walked me to my first class I had all honors classes

period one-fluent languages
period two-honors math
period three-arts
period four-lunch
period five-honors English
period six honors history
period seven- free period

I just had to be smart and got myself in all honors classes I have a 4.0 GPA and my IQ is 180 but my mom was 185 I can go higher but chile who got the time for that I already don't want to be here, I walked into my first-period class after I left my brothers and when I walked in they all were looking at me

"Hola Debes ser la Nueva Estudiante Cordelia correcta," the teacher said to me does she have to speak Spanish to me as soon as I walk in like can I breathe I nodded in response and handed her my schedule so she can see

(hello you must be the new student Cordelia correct)

"oh you can take a seat next to esmeray," she said pointing to a girl with blonde hair and I walked over and took my seat

"hey I'm esmeray," the girl said as she held her hand out for me to shake

"Hey I'm Cordelia but you can call me Cora," I said while shaking her hand she was really pretty

"that such a pretty name and I love your outfits it screamed boujee," she said and I laughed

"I love yours to it seem we have the same test in style," I said she had something similar to me and she looked so pretty

"thank you I see were gonna be great friends," she said and I laughed I felt good vibes from her

"great I was hoping I make at least one friend here," I said and she smiled

"well your beautiful so either the so call mean girls are gonna try to be friends with you," she said and I rolled my eyes

"I'm so done with mean girls plus every brunette needs a blonde so I think I'm gonna stick with you," I said and she laughed

"oh my god I been saying I need a brunette friend forever they always have the best and longest friendship," she said and I laughed oh I'm definitely gonna be friends with her she has my type of energy and I love it, it is amazing how we instantly click like we been friends forever

I thought I was gonna have a bad but it wasn't well I haven't got through the rest of my classes yet but it seem like it gonna go okay well I hope

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