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AFTER WE DEALT WITH THE FENCE, it was pretty late. I took Lizzie and Mica some food, seen as though they were grieving they didn't want to leave their cell.

"Here" I said standing in the cell door offering both the girls some food.

Lizzie snatched it from me not caring to even look in my direction. Whereas Mika gently took it from my grasp, offering a small, somewhat embarrassed smile.
"Thank you" she whispered.

I stood in silence while the girls ate their meals. I didn't really know what to say, I've never lost a parent and I guess I didn't handle loss well anyway so I couldn't offer much advice.

"I'll leave you two-" I started.

"Wait" Mika interrupted "please" she added a little softer.

"You okay?" I asked frowning a little.

"Well... me and Lizzie wanted to ask... if urm... you could teach us" she finally said.
My frown deepened further.
"To do what you do" she added "to be brave, and use weapons... I don't know... it's a silly idea"

Well, I wouldn't really describe myself as brave, I was very much mentally unstable and I don't think Lizzie needed much help with that at all.
But in all fairness I thought it was sweet that they wanted my help and for me to teach them.
I knew Carol and Merle had been teaching them so I was just a little confused hey they wanted my help. I mean they must be able to see that I am better in combat. Remind me to tell Merle this when I see him.

"Of course I will" I smiled "once we've dealt with this virus and fixed the fence I'm all yours"

Mika wrapped her arms around me tightly.
"You're the best" she squealed.

"Thank you" Lizzie said. I was honest in shock that she spoke to me and wanted my help but we move.

I broke the hug from Mika before ruffling the top of her hair, "eat your food. Get some sleep" I said trying my best to sound like a parent or some shit. This only causes Mika to laugh at me. Brilliant.

I let out a chuckle, rolling my eyes before leaving the cell.

The majority were already in there cell trying to rest. I guess it was quite early for everyone to be sleeping already but after the day we had, I don't blame them. It's only going to be worse tomorrow when we are trying to deal with all of this.
My mind raced as I tried to think of a way we could save everyone. But, the only ending I could see was one with plenty of deaths.

I just needed to shut off, even for 10 minutes. I just needed it.

As I entered cell block C, I noticed that Daryl wasn't at his perch. I quickly remembered he was on watch in the watchtower and headed that way.
I guess I should talk to him about what I said and what was going on between us. But I didn't want to talk. I just wanted everything to be okay.
But nothing ever was okay, not in this world. It was all fucked up.

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