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I WALKED OVER TO THE TREE I had been sleeping in and started to climb it.
After what happened today I knew I needed to get out of here as quickly as possible.
I dragged down my backpack and belongings from the tree and threw them on the ground and jumped down after them.
I put all of my knifes in their sheaths, reloaded my guns and put them in their holsters, checked that my rucksack had all of my weapons and clothes in. I just needed to get my riffle from the weapons bag which was outside the farmhouse.

I saw Hershel, Maggie and Jimmy, who was Beth's boyfriend, carrying a very frightened looking Beth into the farmhouse. Before they could reach the farm house Shane began to yell at them about how they knew Sophia was in the barn.

It was clear they had no idea she was in there.
I sat down at the bottom of tree resting my back against the trunk. I didn't want people to see me leave. I just wanted to get my stuff and go, no questions asked.

I sat their for a while and my eyes began to get heavy. I hadn't really slept well for the past few days. I closed my eyes giving them time to rest.


A few hours later

I gasped sitting bolt up right.

Where am I?

What's going on?

My breathing started to level again once I noticed my surroundings.

I was at the farm. I fell asleep by mistake. I need to leave.
Breathe Izzy.

I looked round the farm compound. Nobody seemed to be around. I presume everyone was in the farmhouse or the RV.

I stood up brushing myself down, I slung the rucksack over my shoulder.

I set off towards the farmhouse when I realised someone had moved the weapons bag. Shit. I stopped walking and looked around me. It's probably in the RV I set off over there.

"So that's it? Ya leavin?" A voice said from behind me. I stopped walking and turned around.


I turned back around to carry on walking not feeling like I needed to answer the question.

"Why?" He asked.

I turned back round to face him. "We found the girl" I said emotionlessly.
I didn't care anymore. I just needed to leave.

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