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I WOKE UP STARTLED when I heard yelling coming from outside. I looked over to the chair Daryl had been sat in, he was no longer there. I sat up wincing in pain as my head began to throb. I grabbed my broken right hand with my left and held it to my chest to stop me from damaging it any more. It hurt like a bitch.
I swung my legs gently off the bed placing my bare feet on the floor.

Man I need a pedicure.

I reached for my boots with my left hand which had my socks inside and started to put them on. Doing one handed was a struggle and led to a lot of frustrated cries.

Once I had my boots on, I slowly pushed myself off the bed using my left arm to help.

I stood up I instantly felt light headed. After standing there for a few moments before regaining my balance. I clutched my right arm with my left and made my way towards the door.

Once I got to the top of the stairs I stopped taking a minute to breathe. My head pulsated with pain and my whole body ached. After saving Lori and her baby I think I deserved a full body massage at a 5 star spa, especially because of the pain I was in.

I took one step at a time trying not to over do myself. I got to the bottom I had to take another moment to breathe. I looked down at my hand, it was different from yesterday. Three of my fingers will still right angles. My wrist was swollen with a bone sticking out of the side, my whole hand was purple.

The yelling has now moved into the house, I could hear Daryl and Shane both shouting. If they were fighting each other again I was gonna lose it.

I moved quickly towards where the yelling was coming from. My feet were unsteady underneath me.
I moved down the corridor to see the group yelling in the hall way.

"What's going on?" I said raising my voice above the chaos, still clutching my hand to my chest.
Everyone when silent and looked at me.

"You need to be resting" Maggie said looking at me with gentle eyes.

"You should be treating Izzy's problems" Shane yelled at Hershel. "Not some nutcase kid off the street"

"Shane" Rick warned.

I frowned.

"I just need to treat his leg and they I can help Izzy" Hershel said standing his ground.

"Her hand is purple man" Shane shouted back throwing his hands around.

"I'm fine" I said sternly. "Now tell me what happened"

"We found this kid, Randell, he was impaled on a fence. We saved him" Rick said standing in the door way next to Lori.

"You're forgetting the part where he shot at you" Shane snapped at Rick.

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