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As I turned back to the bus my eyes were caught by a familiar face.
My heart began to pound against the inside of my chest as my ears began to ring. Sweat began to bead up on my forehead as I tried to stagger back but my body was froze.

His eyes met mine and he stopped in his tracks. A smirk began to grow on his face, "nice to see you, Iz"

In my peripheral vision I saw Daryl's head snap towards me but I couldn't bring myself to look at him. I was too busy focused on the ghost in front of me.
"R-Rio" I stuttered.

"Are ya not going to say hi to me?" He smirked edging closer to me.

"W-why are you here?" I stuttered.

My hands began to tremble as I brushed the hair out of my face hoping he would disappear.

"Well that's not a very nice way to welcome me is it now?" He said open armed looking at the rest of the group.
I couldn't even look over to the others to read there emotions. It all felt like a dream... a nightmare.

"Come here" he demanded open armed waving me over. To the others this may look like a simple gesture. But to anyone who knew him this was a threat.

I slowly shuffled over to him wrapping my own arms around myself for comfort. I heard a grunt from behind me knowing it was Daryl.
I'm guessing this didn't look good.

The man before me reached out pulling me into his chest.
"Hug me" he said through gritted teeth into my ear.
I froze not knowing what to do.

"Do you want me to tell your friends who you really are?" He whispered into my ear. I could tell by the way he spoke he was smirking. It made me feel sick.

I hesitantly reached my arms around him hugging him back.

"That's what I thought, puta"

He lent down gesturing for me kiss him. I hesitated once again before inching forwards pushing my lips against his. I grimaced as sick churned in my stomach.

I heard another grunt behind me before hearing footsteps shuffling away. I quickly turned back to see Daryl marching away. As he walked away he grabbed one of the outdoor tables flipping it and sending it flying across the yard before it smashed back down making me jump.

"Guessing he's not happy about sharing a room"
Rio chuckled with his hand around my waist looking to the others.


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