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A few hours later

I STAYED OUT IN THE WOODS for a few hours, I needed headspace from what was going on in the camp and I needed to continue to avoid Shane. I just know how awkward it would be.
The rustle of the stale leaves beneath my feet was soothing. They fly up with every step I take. Walking in the woods is pure serenity. The blue sky is so clear. When I stop walking the sound ceases and all I can hear is nature. I hear the repetitive drumming of a woodpecker in the trees and the familiar noise of a creature in the bushes.

I had started to learn to tell the difference between walker and living. I mean I wasn't perfect at it and it's giving me a few close calls. But all in all it was talent.

I had already got myself and the group 3 rabbits and 7 squirrels. A pretty good hunt if you ask me.


As I made my way up the field towards the farmhouse I saw Shane walking towards me.

Shit a fucking brick.

"Hi" I fake smiled.

"Hey. I was gonna ask if you wanted to look for Sophia in the woods with me but it looks like you already have" he said eyeing up the animals draped across my body.

He didn't want to look for Sophia. He never wanted to look for Sophia, he thought it was a complete waste of time. He just wanted me and him to be alone and I could only imagine what that meant.

"Sorry" I smiled.

"You know..." he said moving closer brushing a strand of hair out of my face which had escaped my hair tie.

"We never finished what we started last night" he continued looking me up and down.

"Actually, I'm pretty certain it finished when it should have" I said ducking under his arm and continuing towards the farmhouse confidently.
I looked back seeing him still stood where I left looking a little shocked at his rejection. I shot him a grin before turning back round.

As I turned round I bumped into someone. I quickly stepped back looking up.
My eyes were met with gorgeous blue orbs. I stared at them mercilessly.
I quickly I snapped out of my trance as the face around the eyes began to frown.
It was Daryl.

He had his head bandaged up pushing more of his hair into his face.

"Sorry" I said embarrassed, both from bumping into him and for staring at him like some lovesick teenager.

"What did Shane want?" He grumbled looking off towards Shane then back to me.

"He just wanted to know if I found any leads on Sophia" I said looking down.

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