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Trigger warning: domestic abuse

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Trigger warning: domestic abuse


I WOKE UP TANGLED in the bed sheets, with the monster by my side.

He must have noticed I was awake as he reached out grabbing me pulling me closer to him. My face was now rested on his bare chest.
"Morning Iz" he smirked.

"Morning" I whispered as a tear rolled down my cheek.

He trailed his finger tips up and down my bare back focusing more on my scars.
"I saw him do this to you yano?"

For a second I stopped breathing. He was there. He sat and watched the Governor do this to me. I don't know why I was shocked, he hurt me so why would he stop someone else from hurting me.

"The Governor always knows how to put on a good show"

I instantly felt my blood pressure rise. I took deep breaths trying to calm myself down. I could lose it. I could flip my shit and try and kill him.
But sadly, I'd already tried to escape him before, in the old world. I only made it worse.
I had to stay. This was my life now.

"I'm goin' for breakfast" Rio announced sitting up, his body still bare. "Cell block C right?"

He climbed up out of the bed putting on his underwear and pants.

"Yeah. I'll take you if you've forgotten the way" I said putting my best fake smile on.

"No" he snapped. "Do you really think after your little stunt yesterday you deserve to eat?"

"W-what stunt?" I frowned hesitantly sitting up keeping my sheets wrapped around my body.

"Don't play dumb with me bitch" he whispered yelled bending over so his face was inches away from mine.

"Rio... I'm sorry I-"

"Stop playing dumb!" He swung his right arm, his first making contact with my jaw causing it to crack and pop.
I brought my hands up cupping my jaw while I looked at him through the tears pooling in my eyes.

"I can't stand it when you cry!" He spat "I'll be back later. You better be in a nicer mood and you better be in this cell"

And with that, he spun on his heels and left the cell.

I gently pushed my body to the edge of the bed before swinging my legs off and placing my bare feet on the cell floor. As I peeled the sheets back I noticed bruises all over my legs and torso which were from last nights episodes.

I felt weak and beaten, as I pushed myself off the bed hobbling over to wear my clothes were. I gently eased them onto my body. My legs trembled under my weight as I got placed my boots on tying them up.

I staggered over to the mirror before eying myself. The bruises on my neck purple and blue resembled a hand print, my cheek swollen, cut and bruised while the bruise on my jaw was quick to appear.

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