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My face was pressed against his chest, his heart beat echoing around my head. He was real.
If we weren't locked in some shit hole I think I'd be happy right now.

"This the guy?" I heard Daryl ask.

I stepped back from hugging Abraham as I looked between Abe and Daryl with a smile on my face, "this is the guy"

"I'm the guy" Abraham nodded looking a little smug.

"The soldier?" Rick asked.

"Sergeant actually" Abraham corrected, clearly not letting his ego get in the way. I rolled my eyes at his response.

"Isabellá right?" a woman a little older than me asked. From her pronunciation of my name I could tell she was Hispanic. I nodded in response with a small smile.
"Abraham's little sister. The only one who can actually knock him on his ass" she said chuckling a little.

"Sister?" Glenn frowned "you're related?" He asked looking between us.
It was pretty clear we wasn't. Different hair. Different eyes. We were completely different. Dumb ass question.
I'd end up telling them truth on how we met, it's not like it was that deep but sitting in a train car, awaiting our possible death - telling origin stories isn't the best way to plan our survival.

"She wishes she was a Ford" he chuckled a little referring to his family name. Shit. His family.

I quickly scanned the train car looking for his wife and children. No.
I slowly looked back to Abraham. He knew exactly what I was thinking. Pain and sorrow tarnished his face as he slowed shook his head. I'm sure the others could read the room, they knew exactly what was happening too. I wanted to be there for him, help him through his pain - but that would be pretty pointless if we were going to be dead in a couple of hours.

"We can reunite later" Rick said firmly, yet his face was so apologetic.
He was right. Now was not the time.

"Use anything ya can for a weapon. We need to be ready for when these sons of bitches come back in 'ere" Daryl instructed.
The group agreed, splitting off following Daryl's orders. I crouched down, collecting both my knives off the ground. As I stood up, I offered Daryl the flick knife once again.
He took it from my hand, giving me a nod.

"So even after you attack me, I still don't deserve a weapon?" Abraham chuckled from behind me.

"I apologised didn't I?" I smirked rolling my eyes.

"No. You didn't actually" he laughed.

"Oh. Well, I am sincerely sorry" I said laced with sarcasm.

"No worries, kid" he said pulling me into a side hug "just don't die now"

"I have no intentions to" I replied smugly.

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