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"GET YOU HANDS OFF HIM AND STEP ASIDE with your hands in the air"

I held my position looking deep into the mans eyes below me. They are a kind of blue that is soft and gentle but beneath there were many layers to it. They showed confidence, of a deep resolve to show truth. It is the blue of the ocean waves and the sky in any season. For the kind of strength that wins, as with the blue, is flexible depending on the weather. No matter what happens it is there, reliable and strong. But they were surrounded by the harsh look of his face.

Yep. He was an asshole.

I felt the tip of a gun press against my temple "get up" they said sternly.
I raised my hand from off the asshole's shoulders and kept them in the air. I slowly took my foot off is wrist and began to stand up stepping off his body.
As soon as I was off he quickly scrambled to get up and went straight for his crossbow.
Classic Katniss.

"Now slowly turn round" the man said who was holding the gun to the back of my head.
I turned round keeping my hands in the air.

There were 4 men and a woman.
The man with the gun to my head had a broad frame, he wore a black tee that showed off his muscles and had a shaved head to match his masculine look.  Threat.

I glanced round at the others.

A young Asian man with a baseball cap on with a soft look in his eye. Not a threat.

An older greying man with a bucket hat on looked at me apologetically. Not a threat.

A blonde woman with who was trying so hard to throw her best glare while aiming her gun towards me. It still had the safety on. Not a threat.

And last a man in a sheriff uniform. He didn't look like too much of a threat, didn't have a lot of muscle on him but that uniform meant that he has experience with people like me.

"What's your name?" The sheriff asked while the other man began to disarm me in a through way. I could tell by his method that he was also a cop.

"She don't speak English" The Redneck grunted.

"We got a translator?" the cop asked sarcastically as his hands continue to roam my body pulling the weapons off my and throwing them onto my rucksack and my XM16E1 riffle which I had previously thrown down before attacking their companion.
The cop seemed like a jackass, just as much as the redneck trash that attacked me.

"Why are you here?" The sheriff said said trying to do his best to add hand gestures to help me understand. Little did he know, he was embarrassing himself.

I looked at him giving him my best innocent look while shrugging.

The sheriff sighed knowing that he was getting no where while the redneck grunted.

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