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AS SOON AS THE CAR STOPPED outside the prison, Rick rushed out of the drivers seat and came home collect me from the back seat. He helped me out of the car and then supported me by holding my arm.
This was possibly the only place he could hold me upright without touching my shredded back.

"You okay?" He said quietly as we walked up through the yard.
"He left us" I whispered trying not to cry again.
Rick stayed silent. I'm pretty sure there's nothing he could really say to me. Daryl was gone.

"Izzy" Carol yelled smiling as she ran over to us. I have her a weak smile back.
As she got closer I saw the smile off her face drop, "oh my god Izzy. What happened?"
I quickly grabbed onto her hugging her tightly. She hugged me back, my back began to hurt even more. But I didn't care.
"I thought you were dead" I said quietly as tears rolled down my cheeks.

She broke the hug stepping back and looking at me. She used both of her thumbs to brush the tears off my cheeks.
"What happened?" She asked sympathetically.
"Daryl left with Merle" I replied quietly.

She looked around noticing that Daryl had gone.
"What? Merle's alive? What happened to you Izzy?You're bleeding" She asked concerned
"I just want to get stitched up and then be alone. I'm sorry Carol. I'm sure Rick will explain to you and the rest of the group. I'm happy you're here" I said giving her a weak smile.

Rick continued to hold my arm and led me inside to Hershel.


"How bad is it?" I croaked.

I was laid on my front on my bed, I'm pretty certain I passed out while Hershel cleaned up my back and stitched it up.

"56 stitches" Rick grimaced.
"How many slashes?" I asked quietly.
"I'd say about 20, with quite a lot of scratches... hopefully the scratches won't scar" he replied.
"I'm sorry Izzy" he said taking my hand.

I looked down at our hands before looking back up at him, "do you think you can help me up? I wanna see Carl and the baby"

"I'll bring them to you. Hershel says you need to rest"
I gave him a weak smile. He let go of my hand before leaving my cell.

Once he left I pushed myself up off the bed grunting in pain before moving cautiously over to the seat Rick once sat in.

"I thought I told you to stay in bed" Rick said walking back into my cell with his daughter in his arms.
"Bella!" Carl yelled as he ran into my cell. He jumped on my wrapping his arms around me. I let out a little chuckle.
"You scared me" he said quietly looking up at me "I thought you was gone"
"I would never leave you and your sister. You should know that" I said quietly before kissing the top of his head.
"I didn't think Daryl would leave us but he did" Carl said quietly obviously hurt by Daryl leaving us.

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