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I PEELED MY FACE OFF DARYL'S chest looking up to him giving him a small smile in which he returned a smug grin.
I shook my head, smiling before laying back down on his chest. I began to trace my fingers over a tattoo on his chest which read 'Norma'

"Who's Norma?" I asked quietly not really sure that I wanted the answer.
His ex girlfriend?

Ex wife?


"My mom" he replied.

"I'm sorry" I whispered. Feeling guilty that I had brought this up out of my own insecurities.

"Don't be. Everyone has lost people they care about" he shrugged.

He was right. I guess I was lucky in the old world though, never having a mom or a dad. Saved me a lot of tears.
I moved my hand down gently tracing over one of his scars.
I wanted to ask Daryl what happened to him, I needed to know who did this to him. And I needed to know where they were so I could kill them.

"Daryl..." I started, my head still resting on his chest fearful to look him in the eye.

"My old man did it" he said not even giving my chance to ask the question. "I-I don't wanna talk about it. Not yet" he said drifting off.

My breathing stopped. His dad did this to him?

"Is he dead?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"Yeah" Daryl grumbled.

"Good" I replied firmly. I sat up, looking at him again "when you're ready, I'm here"
He returned a small smile as I rested my head back down.
"Dads suck" I mumbled.

He tightened his grip on me as he hugged my tighter, while brushing the hair out of my face.
"Was that teacher guy like a dad to ya?" He asked intrigued.

"Nah. He was too young to be a father figure. He was about your age" I said chuckling a little.

"Bitch" he mumbled.

"But he was family yano. My brother? Maybe" I shrugged.

"His wife didn't like ya?" He asked "you said she was the reason he didn't adopt ya"
I was honestly shocked by how much he could remember. It was cute.

"Yeah. I guess she always thought something was going on between me and him... which was pretty fucked up I guess. I wouldn't have worked tho if he did adopt me. He had two young kids, his son was 5 and his daughter was 3. Pretty cute yano.... They liked me which made his wife hate me more. She was threatened by a 16 year old, embarrassing really"

"After ya left high school did ya still see him?"

"Yeah every week. I tried to find him after the outbreak but I never did" It honestly hurt, not knowing whether he was dead or alive and not been able to see him. He was the reason I was alive today, I just wanted to know he was too.

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