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The next morning

AS I WALKED THROUGH THE CELL BLOCK I carried a sleeping Judith in a baby carrier wrap which Rick picked up on a run a few days ago. Her head rested against my chest as she let out little snores.
I stroked the back of her head while looking down at her.

"Did ya ever want one?" Daryl asked leaning against a cell door.
"What?" I frowned.

"A baby? Did ya ever want a baby?"

"I was 21 when this shit show started" I chucked walking over to him "I guess I never thought about it properly... but yeah maybe I would have when I was older. What about you?" I returned.

"I dunno" he mumbled looking down stroking Judith's face as she slept against my chest "my dad was an asshole. I guess if I did ended up having a kid I'd be scared to end up like him"

"You wouldn't be a bad father. I know it" I said looking up at him and giving a small smile. He returned an awkward smile before looking down.

"Yanoooo... if you did fancy making a kiddo, I'm down for that" I said smirking.

"World's too shit for that" he grumbled shaking his head.

"So if it wasn't you'd wanna bump uglies and make babies?" I asked my smirk growing.

"Stop" he grumbled shaking his head looking down trying to cover his smile.

"Well that wasn't a no" I chuckled before walking away.

I walked out to the yard with Judith still against my chest.
As I went out to the yard I could see the others preparing the gates and the courtyard for the battle.
"Aunt Bella" I heard from behind me causing me to spin round.

I saw Carl running up to me with Rick following behind him.
"Aunt?" Me and Rick both said in sync.
He wrapped one of his arms around my torso and had the other hand resting on his little sister before stepping back.

"Yeah... well my dad is basically your older brother" he said looking between me and Rick. I looked over to Rick a little puzzled. He looked down with a look that I couldn't read.
"I'm right aren't I dad?" Carl said looking over to Rick "she's like you're sister"

"Y-yeah Carl" he replied awkwardly causing me to frown.

Rick reached out towards me with his arms out towards Judith, "you mind if I steal her for a bit?" He asked with a small smile.

"I mean she is yours Rick. Ya don't gotta ask" I said carefully taking her out of the baby carrier and handed her to Rick before taking off the wrap and putting it over his shoulder.

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