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"RICK AND SHANE AIN'T BACK YET?" Daryl asked as me, Daryl and Glenn walked into the farmhouse.
"No" Lori replies coldly
"We heard a shot" Daryl said frowning a little.

As we were walking back through the woods we heard a shot ring out. After hearing that, we ran all the way back to the farmhouse in fear someone had been hurt.

"Maybe they found Randall" Lori said hopefully.
No hunni, your boyfriend killed him.

"We found him" I said folding my arms.

"Is he back in the shed?" Maggie asked looking between us confused.

"He's a walker... he wasn't bit, his neck was broke" Glenn replied addressing the group.

"So he fought back?" Patricia asked confused.

"The thing is, Shane and Randall's tracks were right on top of each other. And Shane ain't no tracker,so he didn't come up behind him. They were together" Daryl explained to the group.
"Shane lied to us" I added emphasising what he had done.

"Would you get back out there and find them both?" Lori said looking between me and Daryl.
I nodded.
"Ya got it" Daryl said nodding.

We both turned out the house with the group following us. We then stopped as soon as we got outside to see a hoard of walker heading towards us.

"Daryl" I whispered a little frightened.

I had never seen this many walkers together. I've had to deal with 5 at a maximum, I mean there was the walkers in the barn but I didn't have to fight them. This was going to be hard on all of us.

"Patricia, kill the lights" Hershel whisper yelled.
"Maybe they're just passing, like the herd on the highway. Should we just go inside?" Glenn said trying to possibly calm the tension.

"Not unless there's a tunnel downstairs I don't know about. A herd that size would rip the house down" Daryl said addressing the whole group.
Shitting hell.

This meant we had to leave the farm, go back on the road. I needed to stay with this group, I had been out in the open longer than any of them.

"Carl's gone" Lori said running out the house. "He...he was upstairs. I can't find him anywhere"
Must say, I don't think Lori would win the mother of the year. Who takes their eyes off their kid during a fucking apocalypse?
I glared at her. She frowned back me.

"You can go if you want?" Hershel said looking between me and Daryl before cocking his gun.

"You're going to take them all on?" I said looking between Hershel and his family.

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